
Friday, May 28, 2010

The Deep Ones are Here!

Newly discovered fish with hands.

Raccoons now have some competition to replace humans as the dominant species on earth, post-apocalypse.

Edit - Apparently not a new species, but a newly designated species.


  1. Man, just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water. Now I got Deep Ones to worry about.

  2. too cool, thanks for that

    also want to thank you for all
    the adventure hooks from NOD

  3. One more reason for me to stay out of the g-damn ocean. Crap that's scary!

  4. > go back into the water
    > stay out of the g-damn ocean

    Dudes, it's worse, fish with hands guy, "F'whg", will be leaving the ocean to come after you! [After a few more million years of evolution, but still it's never too late to start preparing.]
