
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Handy Dandy Mini-Dungeon Chamber Generator

I'm finishing up the first chunk of my Hell hex crawl now, and that means mini-dungeons. I save most of them for last and have about four or five more to go [dude, just counted - there are 13 of them - how appropriate]. To that end, I scribbled down some ideas for generating chambers that I thought others might find useful.'

1. Empty
2. Trap
3. Monster
4. Monster with treasure
5. Trap with treasure
6. Monster, trap and treasure

Since this is for mini-dungeons, I want fewer empty rooms so I get more bang for the buck. If you're only dealing with six or seven rooms, making three or four of the empty doesn't work for me.

1-3. Square or rectangular
4. Circle
5. Other shape (pentagon, hexagon, octagon)
6. Cross or L-shape

1-4. One level (i.e. normal, flat room)
5-6. Multi-level - levels connected by
        1. Ramps
        2. Stairs
        3. Balconies (i.e. no connection)
        4. Beams (i.e. no connection)
        5. Pit (i.e. no connection)
        6. Ropes or chains
        7. Magic (levitation discs, air currents, teleporters)
        8. Roll twice, maybe adding a third level to the room

Monster Is ...
1. Alone (CR = party level +3)
2. Duo (CR = party level +2)
3. Trio (CR = party level +1)
4-5. Mob (CR = party level)
6. Monster and mob (CR for monster = party level, CR for mob = party level -1)

1. No additional exit - dead end
2-3. One exit
4-5. Two exits
6. Three exits

Special Room
1. Fire / ash / smoke / torches / fire pits / burning walls / obsidian / red
2. Water / sludge / fountains / pools / well / reservoir / damp / rain / geysers / blue
3. Ice / freezing / snow / cold winds / white
4. Gas / sleeping / poison / acidic / fog / clouds / yellow / green
5. Light / multi-colored / bright / dark / twilight / candles / lamps / witch lights
6. Crystal / reflections / mirrors / glass / gem encrusted / facets / vibrations
7. Bone / blood / flesh / mold / rot / unholy / quivering / breathing / secretions / heaving
8. Noise / screaming / breathing / moaning / sighing / music / song / chanting
9-20. Nothing special


Image by Joseph Gandy


Addendum - Just got this from My shop link is up in the corner. You know what to do, if you have a mind to.


  1. Ok, you have gotta SLOW DOWN young man! :)

    I have to find time to catch up with you...I mean you have been to Hell and back :)

    The Japanese read back to front...and so do the Wayback Machine Mr. Peabody! :)

  2. I got 5 issues of NOD in PDF through this offer. I only regret not sucking it up and getting all of them.

  3. Thank you sir. Fortunately, they'll always be "in print", so there's plenty of time.
