
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Old School Monster Party

Quick post today - I'm in meetings pretty much all day. I said a couple days ago I was going to work out some rules for using drow, duergar, svirfneblin, hobgoblins, orcs, kobolds and bugbears as PCs - mostly because they make sense in terms of running a campaign in the Hell hex crawl I'm writing. My hope is that I can come up with something unique and flavorful for these folks - some random characteristics, racial stats, race-as-class stuff, etc. I commissioned Jon Kaufman to draw a couple "monster parties" for me and I got the results yesterday. Here's one of them ...

This would be a hobgoblin fighter, orc cleric, bugbear thief and kobold magic-user inspired by their original monster designs in ye old Manual of Monsters.

I have the art, now I just need to write the article!


  1. I cobbled together some humanoid PC rules for a PbP game, scroll down toward the bottom:

    Game crashed due to my own inability to keep up, but I've always thought of revisiting it.

  2. Man, I wanna play a bugbear thief!

    *posting code: ingsu. That would be his name...

  3. I am so looking forward to this!
