
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Silver Age Shenanigans [Mystery Men!]

Is your superhero campaign getting a little staid - a little routine - maybe boring. Would you consider bringing the insanity of DC's Silver Age into it? Can your players handle the challenge, or are they a bunch of mopey, modern age cry babies who think getting turned into a gorilla is some kind of punishment? If you answered yes and/or no to the questions in the appropriate order ... oh Hell - here's a chart. Roll a dice.

I think my next MM! Google + campaign will draw heavily on the imaginary stories from DC's Silver Age, though I have no idea how as yet.


Edited to correct an error.


  1. This is the most awesome chart I've ever seen! I've been wanting to run a Marvel style soap opera campaign but lately I've been leaning more towards a lighter DC 60's style good-guy/bad-guy thing. This would just be icing on the cake!

  2. Marvel is very loaded with character-driven stuff - Spidey's angst, etc. - that might be hard to pull off with a group. Works great in a comic book, but not necessarily at the game table. The lighter DC stuff might be easier to run with a group of people - i.e. "You're good, they're evil, get to it." in an RPG environment. I mostly like it because I'm a goofball.

  3. Oh man, my intro to comics was a big grocery bag of Superman titles. You know, all the Superdickery ones. In the expertise I gained from reading all those I highly commend you for this chart!

  4. I absolutely, positively adore your list.

    I ran a Champions game for several years that incorporated much of the above just as part and parcel of the campaign. It was a setting that threw in every comic-ism from the '50s-'70s: martial arts, giant monsters, "after the Comics Code got relaxed" monsters, super-pets, teen sidekicks, power-draining (and -adding) meteorites, etc.

    Man. I REALLY want to get a spandex-y campaign going soon.

  5. I like how "swap genders" and "change gender" get separate entries. Makes me wonder who you might swap with and how many genders are in play.

  6. What about "everyone thinks you're a villain and/or the villain is a hero", and "someone in the team falls in love with a villain (but is probably being hypnotised or something)"?

  7. On the genders thing - oops. Guess I'll need to make a correction.

  8. I love the craziness that is the Silver Age and that is why all my recent supers games have been set there.
