
Friday, January 6, 2012

Shout Outs!

I'll probably do a Deviant Friday post later, but at the moment I want to do a few "shout outs" (as the kids say these days).

First, several months ago I was sent a gratis electronic copy of a comic book to review by Gerald Cooper - Genency #1. It's a great mag, and I apologize for taking so damn long to read it - but most folks who read the blog know that I spend a lot of time writing when I'm not working at my real job. So - a shout out to Gerald Cooper, InVision Comics and Genency - a rousing sci-fi tale and produced by an indy producer, so he shares that with lots of folks in the OSR.

Second, the Brian Wood with Awesome Dice asked for a shout out on the blog, and this is it. They sell dice (if you couldn't put that together from the name) and also blog about gaming. Check it out, lads and lasses.

My last shout out has to be to the fine folks at Albertsons, who are finally addressing the desperate need the OSR has for a cereal to call its own. Bless you, Albertsons, and God's speed.

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