
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cover of the Day

So tell me, dear readers. Is this fantasy or science-fantasy? Or science-fiction? I don't know, but I do know that I love everything about this cover. Let's break it down, along with some quick stats for Space Princess and Blood & Treasure.

We have to start with our heroine. Who sez the ladies were always helpless victims on old pulp and comic book covers? Okay, maybe 99% of the time, but still. From the cover blurb, we can assume this is one of Flint Baker's amazon sky-troops. AMAZON SKY-TROOPS. Please tell me that phrase makes you smile. Tastefully dressed amazons equipped with morningstars flying about on the surprisingly strong necks of mutant vultures. If you look at the background closely, you'll see that some of the amazons are riding on flat platforms being pulled by the birds - maybe the sci-fi equivalent of floating discs.

Amazon Sky-Trooper (B&T): Medium Humanoid, Neutral, Average Intelligence; HD 3; AC 14 [5]; Atk 1 morningstar (1d6+1); Move 30; Save F 14/R 12/W 14; XP 150; Special: No penalty to attack while mounted.

Amazon Sky-Trooper (SP): HD 3; DEF 16; FIGHT 8 (1d6+1); SHOOT 9; MOVE N; STR 5; DEX 6; MEN 4; KNO 4; DL 3; Special: No penalty to attack while mounted.

Vulturoid (B&T): Medium Animal, Neutral, Animal Intelligence; HD 6; AC 13 [6]; Atk 2 claws (1d6) and bite (1d6); Move 20 (Fly 90); Save F 10/R 9/W 15; XP 300; Special: None.

Vulturoid (SP): HD 6; DEF 17; FIGHT 14 (1d6); SHOOT 10; MOVE F; STR 8; DEX 4; MEN 3; KNO 0; DL 6; Special: None.

Moving downward, we come across a furry gent who is apparently a raider from the Red Moon. Perhaps we could also call him a Red Moonman. He's not only furry, he also has cute little ears and demonic talons for feet. And check out the fork he's holding that guy down with.

Raider of the Red Moon (B&T): Medium Humanoid, Chaotic, Low Intelligence; HD 2; AC 15 [4]; Atk 1 war-fork (1d4), dagger (1d4) or 2 talons (1d4); Move 20; Save F 12/R 15/W 16; XP 200; Special: Resistance to cold, can make two attacks per round with weapons, or, if has initiative, pounce and make four attacks with weapons and talons.

Raider of the Red Moon (SP): HD 2; DEF 16; FIGHT 6 (1d4); SHOOT 6; MOVE S; STR 4; DEX 4; MEN 4; KNO 2; DL 2; Special: Resistance to cold, can make two attacks per round with weapons, or, if has initiative, pounce and make four attacks with weapons and talons.

If we continue down, we meet, I assume, Flint Baker, and frankly, he's the least interesting thing on this cover. No pixels will be wasted on Flint.

Other stories include Auro, Lord of Jupiter, Mars, God of War and Hunt Bowman in the Lost World. If you don't name your next ranger Hunt Bowman, you might be taking your gaming just a tad too serious.


  1. It's clearly science-awesome. And it looks like the Red Moonman has vestigal wings, which doubtlessly allow him to fly in the vestigal-wing-friendly atmosphere of the Red Moon, but not here, on Planet Flint Baker, which is why he's so hungry and looking for a little Baker-snack.

    1. Nice catch - I didn't even notice the wings on its back. Bizarre!
