
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blood & Treasure Class Tables - A Preview

Here's a little preview of the class tables from Blood & Treasure. I still have a few more to finalize art-wise. I'm hoping this will help them stand out in the book, for when somebody needs to flip to one for quick information.


  1. Very nice! Did you happen to find a happy balance between the spellcasters and the non spellcasters? We're not going to see CODzilla like in 3.x are we? :)

  2. Not sure what CODzilla means, but I'm running two playtest groups through the system right now and haven't noticed the spellcasters dominating.

  3. Oh sorry. CoDzilla is a term that refers to how bad Clerics and Druids dominated the 3.x scene. Overpowered would be a better term to use I guess.

  4. Gotcha - I don't think that's the case. In general, I did my best to walk back the power level. Clerics, for example, can't automatically swap out spells for cure spells, and they don't get domain spells added on top of other spells. They're competent at fighting, and they have good spells to choose from, but they do have to make those choices. We currently have a gnome cleric (of Hercules) and a new half-orc cleric using the variant "specialty priest of war" rules, so I'll be on the lookout for them dominating the game moving forward.

  5. Please keep an eye on the Druid as well. We're going to get rules for specialty priests? That's awesome. Are you still planning for a release fairly soon?

    1. The rules for specialty priests are very simple - in essence, you trade out the iconic "turn undead" for a different ability inspired by (or sometimes taken from) the 3E cleric domains. Simplicity is the name of the game.

      Release should be pretty soon - I'm editing the work now (with some help - thanks Tanner!) and doing layout and playtesting is ongoing. While B&T is not revolutionary (it's designed to be a synthesis of the different editions), I do want to make sure it works before I release it.

  6. Very cool stuff. One thing I missed - will feats or an equivalent of such be present in core Blood And Treasure rules?

    1. Feats are there as an optional rule, and they are simplified. Dig up my old post here about "Boons" and you'll get the idea. No feat chains - they're just designed to give little boosts to make a given character a bit more distinctive.

  7. I noticed that bards don't have a 0 in their spells per day chart. Are bonus spells for high attributes going to be in the game?

  8. Yes, but they have to wait a little longer before they can access those levels.

  9. I'm curious to why some of the classes had their hit die decreased(like the fighter). Why not just increase the hit die of certain weaker classes like how Pathfinder did(rogue went to d8, wizard to d6)?

  10. These are the original Hit Dice values in the game, except the thief, who originally had a d4.

  11. Ok, I see now. Thanks.
