
Friday, July 13, 2012

Deviant Friday - Ming Doyle Edition

If I was starting up a brand new sci-fi/fantasy pulp fiction magazine (and I'm not), one of the first artists I would hit up for black and white interior art would be Ming Doyle, MysteryMing on DeviantART. She has a great off-kilter style with strong lines that show a mind at work behind them. Dig it, Nodians ...

HeroesCon '12 pre-commission: Jem by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Had to do it; my daughter is watching these recently ...

Big Barda Redesigned by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Great redesign

Aquagirl by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Because there isn't a surfeit of eel-punching on the internet

Corpse Flower by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Because ... uh, it's weird

TLA alien design by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Because I dig it

Vlad the Impaler by ~mysteryming on deviantART

If a guy wearing a skirt of severed heads isn't in your dungeon somewhere, you just aren't getting it ...

Bride of Frankenstein by ~mysteryming on deviantART

Love the bride ... excellent character design from the very beginning

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