
Friday, November 30, 2012

Enjoy Some Art While I'm Getting Blitzed [mild NSFW]

Every year, one of the brokers I work with takes all the staff out for a Christmas outing that involves a party bus, lots of drinks and something like a wax museum, go-carts or firing submachine guns. You know, the normal Christmas fare. So, while I'm out tomorrow (I'm writing this yesterday) getting sloshed and doing God-knows-what, you can enjoy some of my recent favorites at Deviant Art. Ta ta!

Oh, and we veer into NSFW territory at the end, so be forewarned - but it is spectacular, so if you have to wait until you get home, see that you do.

One of my favorite cosplays ever!

And with no further ado ...

Better than the original, in my opinion.

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