
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mythic Races II - The Olympians

Continuing with the mythic races, today we have the Olympians. In this case, I imagined them as looking like metallic statues of the gods they are named for - enjoy.

Herculoids are large, robust mechanical men with bronze skin. They were built for strength and battle, primarily in arenas, and relish taking on large and huge monsters in front of a crowd. Herculoids like to stay well-oiled and polished. They tend to be arrogant and brash, but more often than not they can back up their bravado with their deeds.

Herculoids stand about 8 feet tall and count as medium-sized creatures. However, when their ire is raised (or when they want to show off for a crowd), they can “flex” their “muscles”, increasing their size to large and gaining the bonuses and penalties associated with that size. They have a movement rate of 30 feet per round and can see up to 60 feet in the dark. Their metallic skin gives them a natural AC of 13. Their construction makes it impossible for them to wear platemail and plate armor.

Herculoids are quite strong, adding two points to their starting strength score. They are not built for brain power, though, and thus lose two points from their starting intelligence score. A herculoid’s starting ability scores cannot be altered above 19 or below 3.

A herculoid’s braggadocio makes them stubborn foes; they enjoy a +2 bonus to save vs. fear and fatigue, and have a knack for bending bars and breaking down doors. They are, however, easily goaded into fights, suffering a -2 penalty to save vs. such mind-affecting effects.

Herculoids are +1 to hit huge monsters, and increase their AC by +4 against dragons and hydras.

Herculoids speak Common and Olympian. They might also speak Earth and Fire Elemental, Cyclopes, Harpy, Sylvan and Dwarf.

Herculoids cannot multi-class, as they have one track minds.

Apolloids look like peerless sculptures of male humans. Their skin is made of gilded steel and dazzles the eyes when struck with sunlight (or magical light). Beautiful and conscious of their beauty, apolloids have a penchant for waxing poetic and commanding the stage. They are generally narcissists with the beauty and charm to get away with it – at least for a while.

Apolloids are medium-sized creatures with a base speed of 30 feet. Their metallic skin gives them a natural AC of 12. Their construction makes it impossible for them to wear platemail and plate armor.

Apolloids are graceful and charming, increasing their starting dexterity and charisma scores by one point. Their egotism and delicate construction mean they suffer the loss of one point to their starting wisdom and constitution scores. These ability modifications cannot increase a score above 18 or reduce it a score below 3.

Apolloids are creatures of light, and can see up to 120 feet in complete darkness. Their honeyed words give them a knack for trickery and a +1 bonus to reaction rolls with all creatures but those who hate the Sun. Apolloids receive a +1 bonus to hit with all bows.

Apolloids can shed light (per the spell) for up to 10 minutes per day. These minutes need not be consecutive. Once per day they can cast daylight.

Apolloids speak Common and Olympian. They might also speak Elf, Sylvan, Air Elemental, Fire Elemental and Dragon.

Apolloids may multi-class as bard/magic-users, bard/clerics and bard/fighters.

Athenoids are warriors born, statuesque fem-bots with steel skin and the minds of tacticians. Athenoids do not look for battle, but never shy from it. They enjoy taking the lead in any situation, but have a tendency to think things through before jumping into battle, unlike the herculoids. They are never Chaotic (Evil) in alignment.

Athenoids are medium-sized creatures with a base movement of 30 feet per round. They can see up to 60 feet in the dark. Their metallic skin gives them a natural AC of 14. Their construction makes it impossible for them to wear platemail and plate armor.

Athenoids are wise and steadfast, enjoying a +1 bonus to their starting wisdom and constitution scores. Their deep thinking, however, makes them slow to act and hard to communicate with, meaning they lose one point from their starting dexterity and charisma scores. These ability modifications cannot increase a score above 18 or reduce it below 3.

Athenoids have a natural affinity for divine spells. An athenoid with a wisdom score of 10 or higher can cast the following spells, each once per day: Virtue, resistance and bless. Athenoids receive a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against chaotic (evil) cleric spells.

Athenoids speak Common and Olympian. They might also speak Celestial, Dwarf, Sylvan, Earth and Air Elemental and Dragon.

Athenoids can multi-class as fighter/war priests (a specialty cleric), fighter/warlocks (a variant of sorcerer) or fighter/scouts (a variant of thief).

The plutoids are grim mechanical men with skin of black bronze. Cthonic folk, they take to darkness and dim deeds like a fish takes to water. Plutoids favor gravity, brevity and dignity; they are not popular at parties. Plutoids are never Lawful (Good), but they need not be Chaotic (Evil).

Plutoids are imposing creatures, always 6 to 7 feet tall, with unsympathetic eyes that can see up to 120 feet in complete darkness. They are medium-sized creatures with a base movement of 30 feet per round. Their metallic skin gives them a natural AC of 13. Their construction makes it impossible for them to wear platemail and plate armor.

Plutoids increase their starting intelligence and wisdom scores by one point, but must deduct two points from their starting charisma scores. These ability modifications cannot increase a score above 18 or reduce it a score below 3.

As creatures of the underworld, they can detect treasures of precious metals and gemstones worth at least 20 gp as though detecting evil or magic (per the spells). In addition, a plutoid with a wisdom score of 10 or higher can cast the following spells, each once per day: Deathwatch, detect undead and detect poison.

Plutoids speak Common and Olympian. They might also speak Goblin, Sylvan, Earth Elemental, Fiendish and Dragon.

Plutoids may multi-class as assassin/cleric, assassin/magic-user or assassin/fighters.


  1. Where are the blob-shaped Herculoids? I demand stats.

    1. The best I can do on short notice is some Mystery Men! stats I did for the Herculoids ...

  2. Interesting that you made them mechanical beings.
