
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dungeon of the Apes Art!!!

Now I have the art (by Jon Kaufman, of course) - I'm going to have to do something with it.

Maybe a Blood & Treasure dungeon adventure that is Planet of the Apes themed. I do so many hex crawls, a dungeon crawl might be a nice change.

We'd need radiation, a nuclear bomb, mutated psychos with false faces and psionic powers, Roddy McDowell, a research lab, a half-buried Statue of Liberty ...


  1. And apes, of course :) Brutes and soldiers in equal measure, with strange devices, and four arms and white fur, and weird mutations, like eyes shooting iridescent laser-beams... Anyway, looking forward to it.

  2. I'm sooo looking forward to this!

  3. As an April Fools' 1 shot, I once combined Terra Primate and some info from Dungeons and Zombies to run a unisystem Simian D&D game. IT was glorious.
