
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enter the Geo-Metrons [New Monsters]

Inspired by Adventure Time
In the vast cosmos there are many weird entities to encounter and fight. These are three of them.

Small Aberration, Chaotic (LE), Average Intelligence, Gang (1d3)

Hit Dice: 4
Armor Class: 17 [Silver]
Attack: 2 fire whips (10-ft. range; 1d4 + 1d6 fire)
Speed: Fly 30
Save: F15 R14 W11
XP: 400 (CL 5)

Hell-spheres look like ruby colored spheres about the size of a human head. While they look solid, they are in fact only semi-solid, bridging the material and ethereal planes. Hell-spheres move by flying, and can also levitate in place. They attack by extending semi-solid whips of fire from their surfaces, and are also capable of taking control of living creatures.

To control a creature, a hell-sphere must envelop that creature’s head. This is considered a grapple attack, which the hell-sphere makes at a +2 bonus to hit. Once it has enveloped a creature’s head, the target is allowed a Will saving throw to resist the sphere. If this save fails, the creature is stunned for the remainder of the round. On the next round, it is under the control of the sphere.

A creature under a sphere’s control can use all of its natural abilities, and also gains the special defenses of a devil. The sphere must remain on the creature’s head to control it, and can be removed by a grapple attack (assuming somebody has silver or magical gloves or a net or such to catch it). Attacks against a sphere enveloping a creature score full damage on the sphere and half damage on the creature it is enveloping. While enveloping a creature, a hell-sphere can continue to use its normal attacks in addition to its new minion’s attacks.

Small Aberration, Chaotic (CE), Average Intelligence, Gang (1d3)

Hit Dice: 3
Armor Class: 16 [Silver]
Attack: 2 rays (50-ft. range, 1d6 negative energy)
Speed: Fly 30
Save: F15 R14 W12
XP: 300 (CL 4)

Death-cubes look like black cubes about the size of a human head. While they look solid, they are in fact only semi-solid, bridging the material and ethereal planes. Death-cubes move by flying, and can also levitate in place. They attack by firing rays of gray energy from their surfaces, and are also capable of taking control of living creatures (per the hell-sphere above).

A creature under a cube’s control can use all of its natural abilities, and also gains the special defenses of a demon.

* Note - this one keeps making want to say Death-Cube for Cutie

Small Aberration, Neutral (N), Average Intelligence, Gang (1d3)

Hit Dice: 5
Armor Class: 18 [Silver]
Attack: 2 rays (50-ft. range, 1d6 force)
Speed: Fly 40
Save: F14 R13 W11
XP: 500 (CL 6)

Battle-Prisms look like three-sided pyramids about the size of a human head. Each surface is a kaleidoscope of colors. While they look solid, they are in fact only semi-solid, bridging the material and ethereal planes. Battle-prisms move by flying, and can also levitate in place. They attack by firing rays of prismatic force from their surfaces, and are also capable of taking control of living creatures (per the hell-sphere above).

A creature under a prism’s control can use all of its natural abilities, and also gains the effects of the heroism spell.