
Monday, September 16, 2013

Blood and Treasure - All the Monsters from A to Z

I'm now working on the final stages of the Damnable Sea hex crawl that will show up in NOD 21 (along with some other fun stuff as well, of course). The final stage for me is always adding in stat blocks for the monsters and NPCs. While I'm writing, I find stopping to mess with stats annoying, so I usually write these things in a few stages:

1. I use an excel document with tons of virtual look-ups to populate the hex crawl with very simple indicators. This tells me where the strongholds, cities, monster encounters, etc. are going to be.

2. I transfer these ideas into a word document, adjusting the locations a bit to make sure I have a pretty good spread over the hex crawl - I don't want things too clustered.

3. I go through all of these locations and thumbnail them in, sometimes using random generators (some of my own design) to help the process along.

4. I flesh out all of the entries, making them appear as they will in the finished product.

5. I make a second pass to edit the writing and add all of the monster and NPC stats.

6. Another round of editing, and add images and formatting.

So, since I'm working on my third or fourth B&T hex crawl (and expect to do many more in the future), I've finally decided that I need to stop re-inventing the wheel and just make a catalog of monster stat blocks. I've already created an excel document to help generate NPC stat blocks, since they're more variable - now it's the monster's turn.

Since I'm creating this catalog anyways, and since it might be useful to all you folks out there in television land, I'm going to start posting the stat blocks on this blog, beginning with the "A" monsters. Enjoy!


Aasimar, Medium Humanoid: HD 1; AC 16 (chain and buckler); ATK 1 weapon (1d8); MV 30; F13 R15 W15; AL Lawful (LG); XP 100; Special—Resistance to electricity; Spells—1/day-Daylight.

Aboleth, Huge Abberation: HD 8; AC 16; ATK 4 tentacles (1d8 + slime); MV 10 (Swim 60); F8 R10 W8; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 2000; Special—Dominate person (3/day), slime, muscus cloud; Spells--At will—hypnotic pattern, illusory wall, mirage arcana, persistent illusion, programmed illusion, project image, veil.

Achaierai, Large Outsider: HD 6; AC 19; ATK 2 claws (2d6) and bite (4d6); MV 50; F9 R9 W10; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 600; Special—Toxic cloud, magic resistance 15%.

Aerial Servant, Medium Air Elemental: HD 16; AC 19 [+1]; ATK 2 slams (2d8 + constrict); MV 60 (Fly 60); F7 R4 W8; AL Neutral (N); XP 4000; Special—Natural invisibility, wind blast (2/day).

Allip, Medium Undead: HD 4; AC 15 [silver]; ATK 1 strike (1d4 wisdom drain); MV Fly 30; F14 R14 W11; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 1000; Special—Hypnotic muttering, tortured mind, incorporeal.

Almesith, Medium Magical Beast: HD 7; AC 12; ATK 3 claws (1d8); MV 30; F10 R10 W11; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 700; Special—Anti-magic field.


Blue Amazon, Medium Humanoid: HD 1+1; AC 19 (plate and shield); ATK 1 spear (1d8); MV 30; F15 R13 W15; AL Lawful (LG); XP 100; Special—Magic resistance 10%, immune to surprise.

Green Amazon, Medium Humanoid: HD 1+1; AC 17 (chain and shield); ATK 2 longbow (1d8) or 1 spear (1d8); MV 30; F15 R13 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—Track and survive.

Red Amazon, Medium Humanoid: HD 1+1; AC 17 (chain and shield); ATK 2 longsword (1d8); MV 30; F15 R13 W15; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 100; Special—Immune to fear.

Amphisbaena, Medium Dragon: HD 8; AC 17; ATK 2 bites (1d6 + poison II) and 2 claws (1d6); MV 30; F9 R9 W9; AL Neutral (N); XP 2000; Special—Surprised (1 in 8), spit lightning (3/day, 4d6 + personality switch), immune to electricity and sleep.

Anaxim, Large Construct: HD 16; AC 23 [+2]; ATK 2 blades (2d6 + rend), 2 slams (2d6) or lightning bolt (60’/8d6) or sonic blast (60’/8d6 + deafness); MV 30 (Fly 120); F6 R6 W7; AL Neutral (LN); XP 4000; Special—Telepathy (1000’), immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, illusions, fear), ability damage and drain, poison, sleep, disease, paralysis, polymorph, petrification, all form-altering effects and all death effects, regenerate, magic resistance 50%, resistance to cold and fire; Spells—Continuous—nondetection, true seeing; At will—dispel magic, displacement, ethereal jaunt, improved invisibility. Four times per day, an anaxim can summon an iron golem.


Astral Deva, Medium Outsider: HD 12; AC 24 [+1]; ATK 1 +2 heavy mace (1d8+7 + stun 1d6 rd) or slam (1d10); MV 50 (Fly 100); F7 R6 W4; AL Lawful; XP 3000; Special— Immune to acid, cold and paralysis, aura of protection, resistance to electricity and fire, magic resistance 30%; Spells--Continuous—tongues; At will—aid, continual flame, cure disease, detect evil, detect lie, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, invisibility (self), plane shift, polymorph self, remove curse, remove fear; 7/day—cure light wounds, detect invisibility; 1/day—blade barrier, heal.

Planetar, Large Outsider: HD 14; AC 25 [+2]; ATK 1 +2 greatsword (2d6+8) or slam (2d8); MV 30 (Fly 90); F6 R6 W3; AL Lawful; XP 3500; Special— Immune to acid, cold and paralysis, aura of protection, resistance to electricity and fire, magic resistance 35%, regenerate (unholy); Spells--Continuous—detect evil, detect lie, detect snares and pits, detect invisibility, tongues, true seeing; At will—continual flame, cure disease, dispel magic, holy smite, invisibility (self), remove curse, remove fear, restoration, speak with dead; 3/day—blade barrier, flame strike, polymorph (self), power word stun, raise dead, waves of fatigue; 1/day—earthquake.

Solar, Large Outsider: HD 22; AC 26 [+3]; ATK 1 +3 dancing greatsword (2d6+10) or +1 longbow (100’/1d8+1) or slam (2d10); MV 50 (Fly 150); F3 R3 W3; AL Lawful; XP 5500; Special— Immune to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to electricity and fire, aura of protection, magic resistance 75%, regenerate; Spells-- Continuous—detect evil, detect lie, detect snares and pits, detect invisibility, tongues, true seeing; At will—aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, cure disease, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, holy smite, imprisonment, invisibility (self), polymorph (self), power word stun, remove curse, remove fear, resist energy, restoration, summon monster VII, speak with dead, waves of fatigue; 3/day—blade barrier, earthquake, heal, permanency, resurrection; 1/day—power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic spray, wish (others).


Animated Object-Small, Small Construct: HD 1; AC 14; ATK 1 slam (1d4); MV 30; F16 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 50; Special—None.

Animated Object-Medium, Medium Construct: HD 2; AC 14; ATK 1 slam (1d6); MV 30; F14 R14 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—None.

Animated Object-Large, Large Construct: HD 4; AC 14; ATK 1 slam (1d8); MV 20; F11 R12 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 200; Special—None.

Animated Object-Huge, Huge Construct: HD 12; AC 12; ATK 1 slam (2d6); MV 10; F3 R5 W9; AL Neutral (N); XP 600; Special—None.

Ankheg, Large Magical Beast: HD 3; AC 18; ATK 1 bite (2d8 + 1d4 acid); MV 30 (Burrow 20); F11 R12 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—Tremorsense, spit acid (Once per 6 hours, 30’/4d4).


Giant Worker Ant, Medium Vermin: HD 2; AC 17; ATK 1 bite (1d6); MV 50 (Climb 20); F11 R13 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—None.

Giant Soldier Ant, Medium Vermin: HD 2; AC 17; ATK 1 bite (1d6); MV 50 (Climb 20); F11 R13 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—None.

Giant Worker Ant, Medium Vermin: HD 2; AC 17; ATK 1 bite (1d6); MV 50 (Climb 20); F11 R13 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—None.


Bronze Antikythere, Small Construct: HD 2; AC 17; ATK 1 bite (1d6) or chakram (1d4); MV 30 (Burrow 15); F16 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 200; Special—Earthquake, immune to electricity, magic resistance 10%, paralyzed by dispel magic, vulnerable to sonic energy.

Silver Antikythere, Small Construct: HD 4; AC 16; ATK 1 bite (1d6) or chakram (1d4) or acid arrow; MV 30 (Burrow 15); F15 R14 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 400; Special—Earthquake, immune to acid and electricity, magic resistance 20%, paralyzed by dispel magic, vulnerable to sonic energy.

Gold Antikythere, Small Construct: HD 6; AC 15; ATK 1 bite (1d6) or chakram (1d4); MV 30 (Burrow 15); F13 R12 W13; AL Neutral (N); XP 600; Special—Earthquake, immune to fire and electricity, magic resistance 30%, paralyzed by dispel magic, vulnerable to sonic energy.


Carnivorous Ape, Large Animal: HD 4; AC 14; ATK 2 claws (1d6) and bite (1d6); MV 30 (Climb 30); F10 R11 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 400; Special—None.

Giant Ape, Huge Animal: HD 8; AC 15; ATK 2 claws (1d8 + rend) and bite (1d8); MV 30 (Climb 15); F6 R9 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 800; Special—None.

Aranea, Medium Magical Beast: HD 3; AC 13; ATK 1 bite (1d6 + poison) or web; MV 50 (Climb 20); F12 R11 W13; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—Change shape.

Archer Tree, Large Plant: HD 7; AC 13; ATK 1d4 needles (100’/1d6 + poison II); MV 5; F9 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 700; Special—None.

Arrowhawk, Medium Magical Beast: HD 7; AC 20; ATK 1 lightning bolt (50’/2d8) or bite (1d8); MV 10 (Fly 60); F10 R9 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 700; Special—Immune to electricity and poison.


Hound Archon, Medium Outsider: HD 6; AC 19 [+1]; ATK 1 bite (1d8) or +1 greatsword (1d10+4) and bite; MV 40; F10 R10 W10, +4 vs. poison; AL Lawful (LG); XP 1500; Special—Tongues, righteous aura, smite evil 1/day, immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 15%; Spells--Continuous—magic circle against evil, tongues; At will—aid, continual flame, detect evil, message, teleport.

Lantern Archon, Small Outsider: HD 1; AC 15 [+1]; ATK 2 light rays (30’/1d6); MV Fly 60; F14 R12 W14, +4 vs. poison; AL Lawful (LG); XP 250; Special—Tongues, righteous aura, immune to electricity and petrification; Spells--Continuous—magic circle against evil, tongues; At will— aid, detect evil, continual flame.

Trumpet Archon, Medium Outsider: HD 12; AC 23 [+1]; ATK 1 +2 greatsword (1d10+6); MV 40 (Fly 90); F7 R7 W6, +4 vs. poison; AL Lawful (LG); XP 3000; Special—Tongues, righteous aura, immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 30%; Spells--Continuous—magic circle against evil, tongues; At will—detect evil, continual flame, message.

Assassin Vine, Large Plant: HD 4; AC 15; ATK 1 slam (1d8 + constrict); MV 5; F10 R17 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 400; Special—Surprise (4 in 6).

Athach, Huge Giant: HD 14; AC 19; ATK 3 clubs (3d8) and bite (2d8 + poison) or 3 rocks (60’/2d6); MV 50; F3 R7 W9; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 3500; Special—Poison (paralyzes for 1d6 rd).

Automaton, Medium Construct: HD 1+1; AC 16; ATK 1 heavy mace (1d6+3) or fists (1d2+2); MV 30; F15 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—Immune to disease and poison, resistance to electricity.

Axebeak, Large Animal: HD 3; AC 14; ATK 2 talons (1d6) and bite (2d6); MV 50; F11 R11 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 150; Special—None.

Azer, Medium Outsider (Fire): HD 2; AC 21 (scale and shield); ATK 1 heavy mace (1d6 + 1 fire) or spear (1d8 + 1 fire) or fists (1d4 + 1 fire); MV 30; F12 R12 W12; AL Neutral (LN); XP 200; Special—Immune to fire, magic resistance 5%, vulnerable to cold.


  1. I'd be curious to see this Excel document that provides the indicators. That sounds like a very powerful tool.

    1. It's a bit of a mess, and not very elegant. A person who is more versed in programming in excel could do a much better job. I would share it, but quite a few of the random tables within are the property of other companies or writers - useful as inspiration for me, but not something I could share due to copyright issues.
