
Monday, September 30, 2013

Blood and Treasure - All the Monsters from A to Z ... C!

Continuing the monster stats (D is going to be a bear, all those dang demons, devils, dinosaurs and dragons ...)

Giant Caecilia, Huge Vermin: HD 6; AC 14; ATK 1 bite (1d8 + swallow whole); MV 20 (Burrow 20); F7 R12 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 600; Special—Blindsight.

Camel, Large Animal: HD 3; AC 13; ATK 1 bite (1d4); MV 50; F11 R11 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 150; Special—None.

Carcass Scavenger, Large Magical Beast: HD 3; AC 13; ATK 8 stingers (poison II) and bite (1d6); MV 40 (Climb 40); F11 R12 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—Swallow paralyzed creature.

Cat, Tiny Animal: HD 0; AC 14; ATK 1 claws and bite (1); MV 30 (Climb 20); F16 R13 W19; AL Neutral (N); XP 25; Special—None.

Giant Catfish, Large Animal: HD 8; AC 16; ATK 1 bite (2d8) and 2 fins (1d4 + poison*); MV Swim 30; F11 R12 W18; AL Neutral (N); XP 800; Special—Poison.

Catoblepas, Large Magical Beast: HD 6; AC 12; ATK 1 bite (1d6); MV 30; F9 R10 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 1500; Special—Paralyzing gaze.

Giant Cave Locust, Small Vermin: HD 2; AC 16; ATK 1 bite (1d2) or slam (1d4) or spit (sickened 3d6 rd); MV 20 (Fly 60); F13 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—Shriek, leap (60’ horizontal, 30’ vertical).


Avoral, Large Outsider: HD 16; AC 24 [+2]; ATK 2 claws (2d6) or 2 wings (2d8); MV 40; F4 R5 W4; AL Lawful (NG); XP 4000; Special—Aura of fear 20’, lay on hands 20 hp, immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 15%; Spell—Continuous-tongues; At will—aid, blur (self), command, detect invisibility, detect magic, dimension door, dispel magic, gust of wind, hold person, light, magic circle against evil (self), magic missile; 3/day—lightning bolt.

Bralani, Medium Outsider: HD 6; AC 19 [+1]; ATK 1 +1 scimitar (1d8+4) or +1 longbow (1d6+1) or slam (1d6); MV 40 (Fly 100); F10 R9 W9; AL Lawful (CG); XP 1500; Special—Whirlwind form, wind blast (20’/3d6), immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 15%; Spell— Continuous—tongues; At will—blur, charm person, gust of wind, mirror image, wind wall; 2/day—lightning bolt, cure serious wounds.

Ghaele, Medium Outsider: HD 10; AC 22 [+2]; ATK 1 +2 greatsword (1d10+5) or 2 light rays (300’/4d6); MV 50 (Fly 150); F8 R7 W7; AL Lawful (CG); XP 2500; Special—Light form, slaying gaze, protective aura 20’, immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 25%; Spell—Continuous—tongues; At will—aid, change self, charm monster, color spray, comprehend languages, continual flame, cure light wounds, dancing lights, detect evil, detect invisibility, detect thoughts, dispel magic, hold monster, improved invisibility (self), spectral force, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds); 1/day—chain lightning, prismatic spray, wall of force. Ghaeles in humanoid form can also cast spells as 14th-level clerics.

Leonal, Medium Outsider: HD 12; AC 23 [+1]; ATK 2 claws (1d8) and bite (1d8); MV 60; F7 R6 W6; AL Lawful (NG); XP 1200; Special—Magical aura, roar (60’cone/holy word), immune to electricity and petrification, magic resistance 30%; Spell—Continuous—speak with animals; At will—detect thoughts, fireball, hold monster, wall of force; 3/day—cure critical wounds, cure disease, neutralize poison; 1/day—heal.

Centaur, Large Monstrous Humanoid: HD 4; AC 14; ATK 2 hooves (1d6) and weapon (1d8); MV 50; F13 R10 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 200; Special—None.

Giant Centipede, Small Vermin: HD 0; AC 14; ATK 1 bite (1d3 + poison II); MV 30 (Climb 30); F14 R16 W16; AL Neutral (N); XP 50; Special—None.

Chaos Beast, Medium Aberration: HD 8; AC 16; ATK 2 claws (1d4 + corporeal instability); MV 20; F11 R11 W9; AL Chaotic (CN); XP 2000; Special—Instability, immune to transformations, magic resistance 20%.

Cheetah, Medium Animal: HD 3; AC 15; ATK 2 claws (1d2) and bite (1d6); MV 50; F12 R11 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—Trip.

Chimera, Large Magical Beast: HD 9; AC 19; ATK 2 bites (2d10), horns (1d6) and 2 claws (1d6); MV 30 (Fly 50); F8 R9 W12; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 900; Special—Breathe cone of fire (30’/3d6) 3/day.

Choker, Small Aberration: HD 3; AC 17; ATK 2 tentacles (1d4 + constrict); MV 40 (Climb 20); F15 R13 W13; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 300; Special—None.

Chuul, Large Aberration: HD 11; AC 20; ATK 2 pincers (2d6 + constrict); MV 30 (Swim 20); F9 R10 W8; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 1100; Special—Immune to poison.

Cockatrice, Small Magical Beast: HD 5; AC 14; ATK 1 bite (1d4 + petrification); MV 20 (Fly 60); F12 R11 W16; AL Neutral (N); XP 1250; Special—None.

Colossus, Huge Construct: HD 20; AC 20 [+1]; ATK 2 slams (3d6) or thrown object (3d6); MV 40; F3 R5 W8; AL Neutral (N); XP 5000; Special—Cause panic, sickening smell, stomp, immune to magic, negative energy affinity.

Couatl, Large Outsider: HD 9; AC 20; ATK 1 bite (1d4 + poison II) or coils (2d8 + constrict); MV 20 (Fly 60); F8 R8 W8; AL Lawful (LG); XP 2250; Special—Ethereal jaunt, telepathy (90’); Spells- At will—detect evil, detect thoughts, invisibility, plane shift. Couatls can also cast spells as a 9th level sorcerer.

Giant Crab, Medium Animal: HD 3; AC 16; ATK 2 pincers (1d6 + constrict); MV 20 (Swim 10); F12 R12 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 150; Special—None.

Crabman, Medium Monstrous Humanoid: HD 2; AC 15; ATK 2 pincers (1d4); MV 20 (Swim 20); F15 R12 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—None.

Crabnipede, Medium Magical Beast: HD 4; AC 15; ATK 4 pincers (1d4 + constrict) and bite (1d6 + poison II); MV 20 (Swim 60); F11 R11 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 400; Special—Immune to mind effects, resistance to cold.

Crawling Claw, Tiny Construct: HD 1; AC 15; ATK 1 claw (1d3 + constrict); MV 20; F18 R15 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—Double damage vs. prone opponents.

Crocodile, Medium Animal: HD 3; AC 19; ATK 1 bite (1d8 + constrict) or tail (2d6); MV 20 (Swim 30); F12 R12 W17; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—None.

Giant Crocodile, Large Animal: HD 7; AC 16; ATK 1 bite (2d8 + constrict) or tail (3d6); MV 20 (Swim 30); F9 R10 W15; AL Neutral (N); XP 700; Special—None.

Crysmal, Small Earth Elemental: HD 6; AC 20; ATK 1 sting (1d3); MV 30 (Burrow 20); F11 R12 W13; AL Neutral (N); XP 600; Special—Immune to fire and cold, resistance to electricity and piercing and slashing weapons.

Crystaline, Medium Earth Elemental: HD 3; AC 16; ATK 1 longsword (1d8); MV 30; F12 R14 W14; AL Neutral (N); XP 300; Special—Blind foes, exploding body, immune to electricity.

Cyclopean, Medium Monstrous Humanoid: HD 2; AC 15 (chain); ATK 1 weapon (1d10); MV 30; F15 R12 W12; AL Neutral (N); XP 100; Special—Peer into future 1/day.

Cyclops, Huge Giant: HD 13; AC 15; ATK 1 slam (3d10) or boulder (3d6); MV 30; F4 R9 W9; AL Chaotic (CE); XP 1300; Special—Poor depth perception.

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