
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Return of the Mystery Men!

It was a couple weeks ago that I received a very kind email from Rick Hershey at Fat Goblin Games. He informed me that he would love to have a go at publishing Mystery Men!, with new art and new layout, and a bit more punch in its marketing. Since I was planning to do a small revision of the game in 2014 anyways, I figured what-the-hey - why not have a go at it.

So, revise I did - nothing major. Tidied up the super powers a bit, made the feat system a little easier to use (I hope) and fixed a few typographical errors. Today, I got a glimpse of the new layout ...

I dig it!

The plan is to spin the monsters into a separate book with a gaggle of super villains. I'm pretty excited about the project, and hopefully it will put the game in front a few more eyes. In the meantime, you'll find it absent from my Lulu spotlight. If your interest has been piqued, stay tuned ...


  1. That's some cool news! I read through Mystery Men but didn't play it, yet.

  2. Very nice layout, but a suggestion: for the PDF release, offer either a print friendly or layer-toggle version so the background/watermark doesn't kill print cartridges.

  3. Yes! One of my favorites in the OSR sphere. Had some fun with this.

  4. Looks awesome - but agreed that a printer-friendly version would be nice.

    That said, I don't print PDFs except of 'zines, - I buy the print release - so feel free to ignore this opinion.

  5. Yeah, I'm pretty much just going to throw digital money at you when this is (re-)released.

  6. That background is great. Its visually striking and incredibly thematic to the project. However, it probably would be a good idea to offer a "printer friendly" variation just so it won't kill ink cartridges. Other than that, the new layout and background look great.

  7. Past mentions of the revision have implied a replacement of the original powers system with the Power Packs alternative originally presented in an issue of NOD. Will this version have that?

  8. Wow! That looks great. I'm looking forward to this. As a backer of the original Kickstarter to fund the art for the 1st edition, I will say that I am a bit sad to see the original art replaced, but this does look pretty damn impressive.

  9. I will definitely pass on the idea of a printer-friendly PDF to Fat Goblin.

    That original art was pretty cool, and still survives. Who knows, it may show again someday.

    In terms of the Power Packs - they're slated to show up in the revision as an alternate power system in an Appendix. So, they won't replace the official rules, but they will be present for those who prefer them.

  10. Nice lay-out. Great idea. We still haven't been able to take this for a test-drive yet. Maybe after the first of the year. We're big fans of the old Public Domain characters, and this looks like a lot of fun.

  11. Mighty sweet! Looking forward to ordering my copy.

  12. Any word on when this is set to be available?

    1. Rob ran into some delays - hopefully it will be ready soon.

  13. Any word on the new edition?

  14. No. Worst case scenario, I'll get the game back up and running when the contract runs out.

  15. Whatever indeed.

    I've contacted Rick a few times. He ran into some troubles in producing it, and said he would work on it, and then I hear nothing. So, at this point, I'm really not sure. I'm disappointed, but ...

    My agreement with Rick ends next December. My intention, for 2016, is to produce a revised version myself, and one that is compatible with GRIT & VIGOR, and thus more compatible with BLOOD & TREASURE. I regret that the game has been unavailable for more than a year, but I signed the paper and have to live with the agreement.

    Hopefully, there is still a chance that Rick's version will be finished and published some time this year.

  16. I'm sad to see it didn't get handled as originally believed, but as December approaches I have rising hopes of seeing this again!

  17. What happened to your Mystery Men game? I happened up on it while dredging up things to buy on this weeks lulu sale

    1. The comments above detail what happened. In short - made a deal for somebody else to license the game and they never ended up producing it. My agreement with him ends very soon, and when it does I'll put out a revised game.
