Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Grab Bag!!!

Just a few random notes today.

From the Weird Adventures Dept.

Got my copy of Trey Causey's Weird Adventures yesterday. It is gorgeous. If you're working on a game product, check this baby out - sets one heck of a standard.

From the Badass Air Elemental Dept.

What would Clint Eastwood look like as an air elemental? I think a little something like this ...

From the Get Into the Game Dept.

Check it out - Liz is wearing a Monster Manual dress. Can you do any less at your next session?

From the Sailor Man Dept.

My Hero!

From the American Empires Dept.

Yeah, still working on it. When you find an image like this, you cannot help but be inspired. Benjamin Franklin, American wizard.

From the Checking Her Out Dept.

Checking out women is timeless.

From the Feminine Pulchritude Dept.

And beauty is timeless as well. Thank you Charles Gibson!

See you next week with some Abaddon previews and ... heck, I have no idea what else I'll come up with.


  1. Good to see the Grab Bag, back. Got a quiz for ya over at my place.

    Tim ordered Trey's book. Hasn't gotten here yet. But he's super duper looking forward to it.

    Happy Gaming.

  2. Thanks, Matt! Yeah, the hardcopies really turned out great. Lightning Source did a really good job. I'm glad to hear folks are getting their copies.

    Clint Eastwood in the smoke is awesome. I may have to snag that pic for a post at some point.

    That old sailr could also be the Popeye standin in Superman, Bibbo.

  3. The pic of Ben Franklin rules; fuck yeah science!


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