Mystery Men! is a rules-lite superhero role-playing game based on the original fantasy role-playing game rules. Mystery Men! is designed to let you create characters quickly and get right into the crime fighting. The game is now in its second edition, which streamlined the original to make it even easier to play.

Paperback | eBook

Mystery Men! Posts

Second Edition Material

There is much to be had at Anthony Lewis' RPG Stuff-o-Rama, including character sheets and a random  powers chart.

First Edition Material

The following pieces are for the first edition of the game. The changes between the editions are relatively light, so these should still have value for players and Masterminds alike.

Excellent Random Power Generator at Mutants & Magic!
A kind review of the game at Puzzled Vikings

Download Super Awesome Mystery Men! Character Sheets by Paul Fini


  1. Where can we get Q&A about the rules on the game answered?

    1. You can ask here or on the forums (see the sidebar to the right for a link to the forums).

  2. When is the new version going to be available on Lulu for print buyers btw the link for Fat Goblin has noting on the pdf...

    1. It is still in layout with Fat Goblin - I don't have a definite date of release.

  3. In the .pdf of Mystery Men! I just printed out, there seems to not be any rules for Character Flaws, although the sample heroes have them. Is there anywhere where you have codified how these work? I love the book btw, and am planning on introducing my gaming group to the game soon. :)

  4. A flaw isn't attached to a character, but rather to a power to cut the cost of the power in half. An example would be the Green Lantern's power ring not working on yellow objects, or Superman's powers being negated by Kryptonite, or investing a power in an item (because the item could be destroyed or taken away) or limiting the number of times a power could be used per day. There are no limits here other than the player's imagination and the mastermind's approval.

  5. "Flaw: Double damage from cold or water". This clearly is on the character, not a specific power.........

  6. Ah; got it.

    A second question: a PC once built and earning experience points- do they designate earned EXP into two pools, one for advancement in level, and one for new powers; or do they keep everything in a single pot? If so, how does that work? Or is it that once a PC is generated, they can't develop new powers?

    1. You could actually do it either way. I usually just allow people to keep a single total, and to spend XP when they want, so long as they don't spend so many XP that it would drop them a level.

  7. Hey there! I just wanted to let you know again how much I enjoy this game. I took a few minutes today to create a low-level villain for my setting and posted it on my G+ Page. I thought you may enjoy a gander... There will most certainly be more coming soon.

  8. I tried to download Mystery Men! but the link is broken. I'm not even sure Lulu is still carrying your book (I did a search for it and nothing Mystery Men!-related came back in the first few results).

  9. Yes, it's unavailable at the moment. I've licensed it for a revised edition to someone else, but they're having some production issues. Hopefully it will be back soon. The license lasts until next year, so it will be back eventually.

  10. John, your game looks interesting is it still in limbo or is it available somewhere?

    1. In limbo until December, unfortunately. It will be my first priority in 2016 to get it revised a bit and back out on the market.

    2. Great, is there any chance that you are looking for players to look over the old version and provide feedback?

    3. The revisions are pretty basic, so I don't think I'll be doing a new playtest on the game.

    4. Awesome, I guess I'm hanging out in a phone booth till there is a preview or it is available then. You have a sign up list for such things?

  11. So, at this point, you are thinking the Fat Goblin version just won't make it out and you will do your own revised version when the rights revert after this year?

  12. John,

    Do you have a time line for re-release for Mystery Men?

    1. Check my new blog post - I discuss the revision MM! is getting and preview the possible cover.

    2. Awesome thanks, looking forward to seeing the final version.

  13. Is the book on LULU again a revised edition, it looks the same as my old one, if not what happened to the revised version?

  14. The revised version has not yet been released. I'm waiting on some artwork for the revision. The version back on is the original Mystery Men.

  15. Wow whos doing the artwork Michelangelo? Its seems to be taking forever.

  16. Well, now you've ruined the surprise.

    Seriously - the art should be finished soon - only a couple more pieces to go.

  17. The links included on this page presumably led to the first edition, but they've been pulled off of Lulu, so they lead nowhere.

    1. I'll get those fixed. There's also a problem with the source file on 2nd edition that I need to fix. When I get a chance, I'll have it back up for sale as a print book. I'm about ready to ditch Lulu and see if the process is easier with DriveThru on doing print books.


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