Level: Druid 4
Range: See below
Duration: See below
To cast this spell, a druid carves a jack-o'-lantern from a pumpkin or similar gourd and places a candle inside it. The light emanating from the jack-o'-lantern's face has a magical effect, as follows:
If the face is frightening, creatures caught in the light (including allies, so be careful) are subject to the effects of the cause fear spell. If the face is amusing, creatures caught in the light are subject to the calm emotions spell.
The light from the jack-o'-lantern also negates magical invisibility, and causes magic items to glow orange.
The magic lasts as long as the candle lasts (probably 1 or 2 hours), and the range is per a normal lantern.
Level: Magic-User 6
Range: Close (30')
Duration: 1 hour (then permanent)
If during the duration of this spell the magic-user is killed, his or her head immediately teleports to and is transplanted on the nearest humanoid creature within 30 feet. The victim's head remains on the body as well.
The magic-user and his subject will be dazed for 1 minute afterwards, and the magic-user will be unable to cast spells until it takes control over the victim's body. Each day, the magic-user can attempt a contest of wills against the victim; each rolls a Will saving throw. If the magic-user succeeds at his save, and succeeds by more than the victim, he gains control of one arm. Another success wins him the other arm, and a third the legs. A failure over the same period loses him an arm or the legs. When the magic-user has control of the arms, he can cast magic spells again as normal.
(Yeah, The Thing With Two Heads was on TV this morning).
Level: Magic-User 4
Range: Close (30')
Duration: 10 minutes
As hideous laughter, with the following differences: The victim is not completely helpless - they can move and even attack, but cannot stop cackling. Any strenuous activity causes fatigue for 10 minutes. Also, the cackling forces those who hear it to pass a Will save vs. fear or be affected as per the cause fear spell.
Level: Magic-User 3
Range: Close (30')
Duration: 1 hour
This spell turns bone into steel. Only dead bones (i.e. not part of a living creature) are affected. Bones like femurs are turned into the equivalent of light maces. Animated skeletons gain AC 17.
Level: Magic-User 5
Range: Personal or 1 creature touched
Duration: 2 hours
The beneficiary of this spell does not suffer from gaze attacks as normal. If the gaze normally causes fear or blindness, it now instead reduces the victim's Wisdom by half. If the gaze normally causes petrification, it now instead reduces the victim's Dexterity by half. Other effects can be determined by the TK as necessary. The effects of the gaze attack last for 3 hours.
![]() |
Mr. Sardonicus |
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
The touched victim must pass a Fortitude save or their face is twisted into a terrible grimace, reducing their Charisma score to 3 for the duration of the spell.
Have fun, folks - don't eat too much candy!
Level: Magic-User 2
Range: Close (30')
Duration: 10 minutes
The magic-user holds an object (any object) up and focuses on a single victim. If the victim fails a Will saving throw, they become obsessed with possessing the object for 10 minutes, to the exclusion of all other goals. When they get the object, they crouch on the floor, petting it and proclaiming it their "precious".
Root vegetables should work for the Jack-O-Lantern spell too, given that the original ones were apparently made from turnips.
ReplyDeleteSo what happens if a party member croaks and you cast Bone to Steel before casting Raise Dead?
ReplyDeleteThe universe explodes
DeleteSeriously, a person couldn't live with metal bones, so I don't think the raise dead would work. I like where your head is, though!