
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blood & Treasure Complete is ... Complete!

OK - last bit of advertising for a while, I promise!

The complete version of Blood & Treasure, which puts the Players Tome and Treasure Keepers Tome together in one package is now on sale as a ...

Hard Cover for $35.99

Soft Cover for $22.99

E-Book (PDF) for $11.99

As before - if you buy a hard cover, send me the Lulu receipt (email address over there to the right) and I'll send you a link to download the e-book for free.

Glad to finally be finished - hopefully no new errors have crept into it. I'm sending this one straight out without seeing the preview copies, as a few people (you know who you are) have been waiting anxiously. If the game pays for itself plus a little extra, I'll be ecstatic, but if it does no more than give people an enjoyable game to play, I'll be satisfied.

I'll try to get a more substantive post up for you to read tomorrow - thanks for your patience.


  1. just used AUGBOOKS12 to save 20% of the complete game :)

  2. Man, I should have read the previous comments before ordering. ...still glad to finally order the hardcover. I even got ground shipping, which I usually don't do with Lulu. ...a version of 3.0 I may actually enjoy DMing.

  3. Paddle15 works for Lulu in the uk

    I look forward to my hard cover and free pdf

  4. As I tried to say once before, before Google ate my comment, thanks for keeping the price so low. Remarkably low.

    1. How do I keep my prices so low? Because I'm CRAZY!!!

      (Just imagine a shot of me riding around on a cow wearing big foam cowboy hat)

  5. My Player Guide Hardcover arrived today. TK Tome ordered. Where can I report errata? For example on p.5 the Class Table shows that Assassins can use all weapons, but on p. 6 there is only a limited selection of weapons the Assassin can use...Did I miss something?

    1. Yeah, assassins are tricky. Putting errata here is fine, or emailing it to me is good to. I'll post it on the Blood & Treasure page. Thanks!
