
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Treasure Keepers Tome ... It's Alive! [Blood and Treasure]

Yes indeed. Just put this puppy up for sale on

Hard Cover is $29.99

Soft Cover is $18.99

E-Book (PDF) is $8.99

Now, to answer the first question ... Complete will be up tomorrow. I have a couple adjustments to make on that one, and I just don't have time today to make it happen.

To answer the second question ... Yes, if you buy the hard cover and send me a copy of the Lulu receipt, I'll send you a link to a free download of the PDF.

Best news of course ... Lulu is doing a 15% off sale this week (code is PADDLE15), so if you act fast you can save a few coins.

I hope people enjoy the books and the game. I'm going to have the introductory adventure up pretty soon as well, probably early next week. It will be available as a free download or a pretty cheap book (about 20 pages, soft cover) and include some pre-generated characters.


  1. Congrats for getting this out -- one question though. Is experience only earned by killing monsters and avoiding traps? I just did a quick read thru, and might have missed it.

  2. Very cool John. Got the hardcover of course. Looking forward to getting it!

  3. Excellent news - about to grab a copy of the hardcover right now. Yay!

    I've run two sessions now (with two different groups) using the Players Tome, and it has proven to be very popular, so I predict this will get quite a bit of use :-)

    1. Glad to hear it. You write these things and hope people will actually game with them - nice to hear when they do and when it goes well. And remember - it's your game, change whatever you want, add and subtract, have fun!

  4. Holding my metaphorical breath until tomorrow!

  5. just ordered complete in HC :)
