Friday, May 21, 2010

NOD #1

My first issue of NOD is available for download over to the right. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.


  1. Cool. I look forward to checking it out.

  2. Very cool! I'll be sure to pimp this in tomorrow's news post.

  3. Wow, what a piece of work! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Chello!

    Well, I read a few articles, skimmed the Wyvern Coast entry , and did the "grad school skim" on the rest. I must say, very nice. The world itself is reminiscent of JG's Wilderlands in tone and feel.

    I most assuredly enjoy how you are using concepts from AD&D for use in OD&D (like the expanded fighting men subclasses) without cluttering up the rule set and making it more complex.

    Definitely a series I shall follow. Thank you for sharing your ceation with the OSR community.

  5. Chello again!

    I forgot to mention that I like the idea of the adept as a NPC class for encounter groups. Also, I can see the Psychic as filling a similar role.

    The Psychic will probably remain a NPC class in my game, a new challenge for the party. This is not because I won't allow it, but rather because the player would not be interested. :( I, on the other hand, would love to play the class as presented...but then, I like Katherine Kurtz's Deryni novels. :)

  6. Thanks everyone for the warm response! I've already noticed a few errors (no page number being the most obvious). I'll probably clean things up a bit on Monday and re-post it. I'm thinking of offering it on Lulu as a soft cover book.

  7. Looks awesome, but before I keep reading I need to know are there spoilers? Is there a players guide to Nod? Because I live in Vegas and sure would love to play in it .. *hint, hint*. ;)

  8. Well, it is probably best used by Referees rather than players. My own players never got too much of a guide since I wanted them to explore the world in play. I'm on a hiatus from running the game right now, though if there's enough interest maybe I'll try to schedule a game at the next NeonCon.

  9. I think you meant to put the year that the cover painting was painted, but forgot (on the bottom of the contents page)

  10. I'm looking forward to looking this over. A great deal of work went into this and I thank you for sharing it with us all. It looks excellent and I'm very much intrigued to see how you handled the Adept class.

  11. That was a very good magazine. Kudos!


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