Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Queens of Elemental Air

Readers may remember my Queens of Elemental Earth from a while back. Today, I introduce their rivals (are they rivals? I have no idea), the Queens of Elemental Air. Enjoy ...


Among the entities that fill the air, the sylphs and air elementals and minor godlings and disembodied spirits, there are five rarefied entities commonly referred to as the Queens of Elemental Air. There is no kinship between these queens, and though they are not actively at war with one another, they each regard the others as neither here nor there - not with contempt, but with royal disinterest.

The queens dwell in the more refined quarters of the Elemental Plane of Air, in "palaces" of colored gas and variegated temperatures that they regard much as a human would a building of many rooms, each lovely in its own way. They are typically surrounded by their followers, and while each is powerful in her own right, they are also well guarded by their adoring court and by petitioners to their court.

All of the queens are permanently in a gaseous form, and can make themselves any size from tiny to huge. They typically appear as medium-sized humanoids. For each size category smaller, they increase their effective Hit Dice total by 2 and reduce their effective Armor Class by 2 (as they are more solid and thus easier to hit). For each size category larger, they reduce their effective Hit Dice by 2 and increase their effective Armor Class by 2.

All of the queens are immune to acid, electricity and sonic energy and resistance to cold and fire.

Medium Elemental, Lawful (NG), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d6) or cosmic ray (120' / 2d6 damage + mutation)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Helia appears as a radiant queen surrounded by a glowing aura (as bright as daylight) with a diameter of 200 feet. Creatures that enter this glowing aura must pass a saving throw each round to avoid a charm monster effect. Helia commands the respect of both air and fire elementals, and they mingle about her in rapid orbit like electrons around a nucleus. Helia is fearsome and arrogant, the "center of the universe" who regards all creatures of less than solar or arch-demon status as beneath her dignity. She employs a series of servants to communicate with her major domo, a deva called Atron.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 65%

Spells: At will--daylight, minor creation, searing light, shield; 3/day--cone of cold, legend lore, lightning bolt, sunbeam; 1/day--major creation, summon monsters IX (air and fire elemental creatures only), sunburst

Medium Elemental, Neutral (N), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d6) or cosmic ray (120' / 2d6 damage + mutation)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Nea dwells in a swirl of glowing, colored gases. She appears as a glowing, red female humanoid, airy and slightly indistinct, and surrounded by a devoted and adoring air and lightning elementals (2d6 of each, variable sizes), who create a wondrous clangor and exciting din as they dance and weave about their queen. Nea is a queen who appreciates excitement, though she rarely participates in it. She enjoys fetes and musicians and allows bits of her own gaseous form to enter their lungs and be expelled through their instruments.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 55%

Spells: At will--color spray, light, protection from normal missiles, shield; 3/day--confusion, crushing despair, daylight, globe of invulnerability, good hope, polymorph other; 1/day--summon monsters VIII (air elemental creatures only)

Medium Elemental, Neutral (CN), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d4)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Arga dwells on a great chunk of emerald (about 8 feet long and 4 feet wide) that rests upon a windswept plateau of stone that floats in the bustling winds of the Elemental Plane of Air. She lounges on this "fainting couch", a woman of luminous green gas attended by sylphs wearing hazy perfumes and guarded by two djinn. An equally sonorous court reposes on the plateau.  Arga is unconcerned with anything but herself, but will lend her air to those who promise a great reward. She takes lovers, even mortal lovers, often, and many now make up her court, for though she often tires of them and forgets them, she never drives them away.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 45%

Spells: At will--chill metal, color spray, light, searing light, shield; 3/day--confusion, prismatic sphere, prismatic spray; 1/day--fusion (self with other), summon monsters VIII (air elemental creatures only)

Medium Elemental, Neutral (N), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d6)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Krypta is the "hidden one", a shy spirit who prefers solitude to the goings on of court. Her form is transparent and translucent, but surrounded by an aura of white gas that outlines her. She nonetheless travels with two aerial servants, one tinged red, the other blue, who act as her valets and bodyguards. She roams the elemental sky, and for this reason often attracts the attention of dragon horses. Krypta appreciates wit and intellect, but despises the boastful and arrogant, enjoying laying these folk low.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 55%

Spells: At will--cause fear, light, searing light; 3/day--invisibility, ray of enfeeblement, fear, stoneskin (the stone skin envelops her form and appears as white crystal); 1/day--meteor swarm, summon monsters VII (air elemental creatures only)

Medium Elemental, Neutral (N), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d6)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Xena is a stand-offish woman, slightly paranoid and well guarded by 10 large air elementals. She dwells within a crystal sphere that float  through the Elemental Plane of Air, a sphere that can open and close by her will alone. She appears as a female humanoid of luminous blue gas that sometimes flares with flashes of electricity, especially when she is angry.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 65%

Spells: At will--sleep, suggestion; 3/day--globe of invulnerability, haste, iron skin (her form is enveloped by a sky blue suit of plate armor), lesser restoration, polymorph other; 1/day--fission, summon monsters VII (air elemental creatures only)

Medium Elemental, Chaotic (NE), Super Intelligence; Unique

HD: 21
AC: 26 [+2]
ATK 2 wind buffets (2d6)
MV Fly 300
SV F 3, R 3, W 3
XP 10,500 (CL 24)

Rada appears as a female humanoid of translucent air, with a black orb floating in the midst of her head. Her arms are long and her fingers and toes come to talon-like points. Rada's court is composed of belkers and disgruntled aerial servants, not to mention a few incorporeal undead, like spectres. She is a dire queen who is said to be worshiped by subterranean peoples by sacrificing the weak in caverns filled with poisonous gas.

Special Qualities: Immune to acid, electricity and sonic, resistance to cold and fire, gaseous form, magic resistance 45%

Spells: At will--doom, faerie fire, inflict light wounds, silence; 3/day--cause disease, enervation, gaseous form (other), ray of enfeeblement, rusting grasp; 1/day--energy drain, improved invisibility, summon monsters VII (air elemental creatures only)


  1. Xena, but no Gabrielle?

    (Sorry, had to be done)

  2. Fun fact: By the year 8346 every thinkable name will be burdened by pop culture references, resulting in the downfall of civilisation and ultimately in the end of all human life by nano-spambots... ;)

    1. It's not like there is a lot of fantasy TV shows that have been wildly successful, especially for an original IP (not say, Robin Hood or King Arthur).

  3. We'll just start using unthinkable names then. I hope my greatx50 grandchild will be named Stater


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