Thursday, April 22, 2010

On the Wyvern Coast - Part Six

The following are set encounters from this map. The Wyvern Coast was first described in this post.

0146 Azer Adventurer: Merikh, and azer, and six clockwork brass beetles are searching for an artifact forged by Volcanus, god of the forge. Merikh wears a helm that hums when within 100 feet of powerful magic items.

  • Merikh: HD 6 (29 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6+1); Move 12; Save 16; CL/XP 6/400; Special: +1 heat damage, immune to fire.
  • Beetle Automatons (6): HD 4 (18 hp each); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 blade (1d6+1); Move 15; Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Half damage from fire, heat metal (themselves).

0242 Crocodile Keep: The remains of a flooded shell keep sit just off the coast and protected by surrounding rocks from the pounding surf. The bottom level of the keep is completely flooded, and the upper level, though relatively dry, has a weakened floor that presents a hazard to even halflings attempting to walk upon it. At the bottom of the courtyard there is a jade globe decorated with images of writhing reptiles. The jade globe gives out a low pulse that can be heard underwater for many miles. This pulse attracts salt water crocodilians, and at least thirty of the creatures dwell in and around the keep.

  • Crocodile: HD 4; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d8); Move 9 (Swim 12); Save 13; CL/XP 4/120; Special: None.

0341 Sanvuska: A freak storm and a drunken captain recently ran a merchant cog ashore here. The cog, the Sanvuska, was carrying 250 gp worth of hides and skins, 2,000 gp worth of tea and a magical trident (see below) from the Mu-Pan Empire to Antigoon. The Sanvuska is captained by Yulner, a short man with a wiry build, black whiskers and suspicious eyes. Yulner is a given to drunken revels, and his cruelty knows no bounds. He has been working his men into a frenzy trying to get underway before his ship is discovered by bandits. Unfortunately, it has already been discovered by an intellect devourer called Tharsarh. Tharsarh has been systematically picking off the crewmen for the past week, having originally killed and merged with a sailor who wandered too far from camp. Only twelve remain to man the cog, and they are on the verge of mutiny. Only the force of Yulner’s will, and the strong hand of his first mate, Khavit, have kept them in line so far.

  • Yulner, Fighting-Man, Lvl 7: HP 32; AC 6 [13]; Save 10; leather doublet, buckler, hand axe, long sword.
  • Khavit, Beastman (Half-Orc) Fighting-Man, Lvl 4: HP 28; AC 7 [12]; Save 13; shield, battle axe.
  • Tharsarh: HD 6 (21 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 4 claws (1d4); Move 15; Save 11; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Sensitive to light, mind blast, spell immunity, surprise on 1-3 on 1d6, only harmed by magic weapons (1 point of damage per hit).

Umvai: This +1 trident appears to be made of gold. The grip is wrapped in black leather. The trident’s name, which activates it, is burned into the grip in the pictographs of the Mu-Pan Empire. Upon uttering the command word, the trident enables its wielder to fly (per the spell) for 10 minutes.

0442 Cliffside Tomb: Caryatid columns guard a tomb carved into the side of a cliff. The original inhabitant has dried up and blown away, his treasure stolen by something that tunneled in from below.

  • Caryatid Columns (2): HD 5 (32 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 sword (2d4); Move 9; Save 8; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Immune to normal weapons, normal damage from magic weapons, 25% chance of weapon snap.

0733 Thirsty Vial: Any fishing in this hex will produce a fish with a magical vial in its belly. The vial is made of glass and stoppered with a bit of cork. The interior of the vial is completely etched in glyphs of a magical sort. The vial is a powerful protective device. If a person fills it with his or her own blood, they cannot be killed (hit points cannot go below 1) so long as the vial remains full. Filling the vial inflicts 1 point of constitution damage, which is healed the next day after a normal rest. The blood is slowly absorbed by the magical glyphs, disappearing in 24 hours. The vial can then be refilled at the same price, though the holder of the vial will discover that the time it takes the vial to consume the blood is shortened by 1d6 hours. The quickening of the blood consumption is cumulative, until finally, it must be filled hourly. Such is the price when one attempts to cheat Death.

0941 Escaped Slaves: A canyon here is inhabited by 150 female berserkers - escaped slaves. They worship a golden idol of Astarte that longs for her mate, a golden idol of Adonis (see Map J10). The warrior women are commanded by Ulara and Yosh.

  • Ulara, Barbarian Lvl 5: HP 50; AC 5 [14]; Save 12; Leather, +1 shield (+3 vs missiles), bastard sword, sling.
  • Yosh, Ranger Lvl 3: HP 22; AC 5 [14]; Save 14; Ring armor, shield, short sword, dagger, 3 javelins.

1038 Razed Village: A dragon man lair here was razed by a stegacentipede, now long gone. The dragon men have fled with their treasures, leaving their brass domes empty and their dead baking in the sun. There is a 1 in 6 chance per hour spent in the ruin that 1d6 wyverns will arrive having smelled the carrion.

1127 Scarlet Hall: Scarlet Hall is a three-level keep constructed of limestone sank beneath the waves here over a century ago. The walls of the keep are now worn and pitted, and the entire construction will probably fall down in the near future. The keep is now inhabited by a gang of seven were-sharks who hunt the coral reefs and sometimes venture onto land to attack the villagers. The gang is led by a bull called Mahel and his mate, Thana. The were-sharks have stockpiled a treasure horde consisting of 3,500 gp and a small moss agate (110 gp). Mahel was once a sailor, and he sometimes poses as a sailor to gain access to a ship, his gang following along and waiting for him to steer the ship into a reef or rocks. Thana hails from [1226]. She sometimes sneaks onto the island to give food to her aging mother.

  • Were-Shark: HD 6; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d10); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons, blood sends them into a frenzy (+2 to hit).
  • Thana: HD 6 (34 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d10); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons, blood sends them into a frenzy (+2 to hit).
  • Mahel: HD 6 (43 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 bite (1d10); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Lycanthropy, vulnerable to silver weapons, blood sends them into a frenzy (+2 to hit).

1137 Vulchlings: Five vulchlings live in a shallow cave 50 feet above the desert floor. A narrow passage with a metal ladder leads straight down 100 feet, ending at a steel trapdoor. The trapdoor leads to a small chamber filled with crates containing 7 weeks of iron rations in tins.

1236 Ophir, City of Slaves: The city-state of Ophir is nestled in a valley of woodlands and rich pastures. It is surrounded by villas worked by slaves that grow wheat, grapes (slightly bitter, but good enough for spiced wines) and olives. The cultivated lands are separated by rocky highlands (good for grazing goats) and thicks stands of cedar. Ophir has a population in excess of 6,000, with most of them earning their living from the sea or in the slave markets. The city-state is ruled by Prince Zargo, an heir of the ancient Purple Kings. Ophir’s architecture blends elements of classical Greece and medieval Morocco.

1642 Labyrinth: This is a true labyrinth with 30-foot walls of blue glass and floors of blue marble tile. The passages are 20-feet wide and the center is 40-foot in diameter. In the center are 20 statues of warriors created by the gaze of an amphisbaena basilisk which lairs among the statues. Its treasure is 4,000 sp, 115 gp, 3 pp, a pearl medallion (40 gp), a pearl pendant (40 gp) and a jade torc (30 gp). It lies scattered about the central chamber.

  • Amphisbaena Basilisk: HD 9 (62 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 bite (1d8); Move 9; Save 6; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: All-around vision, half damage from cold, petrifying gaze, split.

1749 Toad Hollow: A depression in the savanna holds a large (200-ft diameter) pond. A gang of twenty thugtoads lives in mud-burrows dug into the banks of the pond. The toads carry shields woven from the grasses that choke the banks of the pond, and they carry flint-tipped spears. The banks of the pond are trapped with holes that can break legs if one is not careful. The thugtoads worship a large froghemoth who dwells in the center of the pond, bringing it fresh kills of the animals that come to drink from the pond, hoping to keep it in a torpor that it will not devour them. The leader of the thugtoads is called Tudeggy (2 HD, 12 hp, CL 3/60). He considers himself a “high priest”, but has no magical powers. He does, however, carry a military pick made from the bronze beak of a stymphalian bird; the thugtoads displaced the cranes many years ago as the masters of the pond, carrying their “tadpole-hemoth” with them.

  • Thugtoad: HD 1; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 4 (Swim 15); Save 17; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Camouflage, hop.
  • Froghemoth: HD 16; AC 3 [16], tentacles 1 [18], tongue 5 [14]; Atk 1 tongue (5d10) or 4 tentacles (1d8); Move 3 (Swim 9); Save 3; CL/XP 19/4100; Special: Swallow whole, immune to fire.

1931 Seath’s Fortress: A sandstone keep overlooks the sea here. It is surrounded by fifteen simple cottages. The keep is ruled by Seath, an elf warlord. The village is populated by human herdsmen. Lord Seath is likable and trusting. His armorial is a scorpion gules on a field sable. Seath commands fifteen elves, a lawful sergeant named Herval and a chaplain named Alabras. Herval is like a stereotypical British sergeant-major, while Alabras has a dark, unpleasant sense of humor. Seath’s treasure consists of 13,500 sp, 200 gp, a fire opal (100 gp), 2 ounces of sandalwood oil (5 gp), a copper necklace set with hyacinths (340 gp), an ivory holy symbol of Mercurius (60 gp), an ivory armband (60 gp), a bronze mirror (1 gp), a glass coffer (7 gp), astrological charts worth 12 gp and a tooth from a bronze dragon (100 gp).

  • Elf: HD 1+1; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 sword (1d8) or 2 arrows (1d6); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP 1/15; Special: None.
  • Herval: HD 3 (19 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 9; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: None.
  • Alabras, Elf Cleric (Druid) Lvl 3: HP 20; AC 8 [11]; Save 12; Special: Druid spells (2nd),; +1 oak quarterstaff, leather armor, white hooded robe, mistletoe.
  • Seath, Elf Fighter/Mage Lvl 8: HP 36; AC 2 [17]; Save 8; Special: Magic-user spells (4th); Longsword, longbow, elven chain, shield, grimoire, scroll of fireball.

2035 Halob: Halob is a village nestled against a tall cliff. The village is surrounded by a thicket and a dry moat. The village is inhabited by 100 iron miners and their families living in small, timber houses. The miners of Halob are renowned for the high level of literacy in the village. Halob is ruled by a mayor named Eocar, who is advised by a small group of selectmen. Eocar is the most cunning man in a village of cunning men, and is not to be trusted. The village is protected by twenty men-at-arms (chainmail, shield, spear, sling) and two sergeants-at-arms. The villagers mine a long seam of iron that cuts directly into the cliff behind their village. The miners make no attempt to smelt the iron here, selling it instead to merchant caravans from Ophir in exchange for manufactured goods and the odd luxury.

2041 Dancing Lights: The narrow, limestone canyons in this hex are like a maze. Local legends tell of a great army of the Purple Kings that was lost in this maze while on its way to sack the rebellious miners in [2042]. The canyons, with their wavy walls of purple and grey, their sharp peaks and their tiny, winding caves, are haunted by will-o-the-wisps. Travelers by night will see 1d4+2 of these lights, often visible as a soft glow from around a corner. The will-o-the-wisps are accompanied by the echoing voices of desperate men.

  • Will-o-the-Wisp: HD 9; AC -8 [27]; Atk 1 shock (2d6); Move 18; Save 6; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: None.

2145 Gnoblins: A band of 30 gnoblins (gnoll-goblin hybrids) are trashing a merchant caravan here. Twenty men-at-arms and thirty gnoblins lie dead. One fat merchant has been skewered with a spear and pinned to the ground by his shoulder. If questioned within a minute of discovery, he will inform the adventurers that thirty people were forced to flee into the desert without food and with very little water, including his niece. He has a small painting of his niece in a locket around his neck (5 gp), and she is quite beautiful. The dead bodies attract wandering monsters on a roll of 1-3 on 1d6. The caravan was transporting one hundred bolts of purple cloth (2 lb each, worth 50 gp each).

  • Gnoblin: HD 1d6 hp; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 12; Save 18; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Groups of 10+ cause confusion with their chattering voices.

2331 Khlai: Khlai is a village of 300 dour hunters and their families nestled in a vale with a cool, rushing stream and a variety of grasses and scrub. The village is surrounded by a wooden palisade (12’ tall) and consists of approximately 100 longhouses constructed of red brick. The village is defended by 60 men-at-arms (leather armor, spear, long bow) and six sergeants-at-arms under the command of Sampin, lord of Khlai. Sampin has in his employ an alchemist by the name of Alende, a high-born woman of distant Ibis who found a life on the Wyvern Coast preferable to a wizard’s dungeon. The village is known to be haunted by a vampire called Arlotho, who is believed to dwell in the surrounding hills. Arlotho is a distant ancestor of Sampin, and is in league with his descedant, his tomb being located beneath the lord’s manor. Sampin’s treasury contains 500 gp worth of hides and skins, 500 gp worth of frankincense, 1,000 sp and 400 gp. Arlotho’s crypt contains 2,700 gp and a golden medallion depicting the lord's armorial (3,700) studded with amethysts.

  • Sampin: HD 3 (12 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: None.
  • Alende: HD 1d4 (3 hp); AC 9 [10]; Atk 1 dagger (1d4); Move 12; Save 18; CL/XP A/5; Special: Brew acids and poisons.
  • Arlotho: HD 7 (29 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 bite (1d10 + drain 2 levels); Move 12 (Fly 18); Save 9; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Regenerate 3 hp/rd, only hit by magic weapons, gaseous form, change into giant bat, summon swarm of bats or 3d6 wolves, charm (save at -2), weaknesses.

2533 Box Canyon: There is a box canyon here that can only be entered via a narrow gorge. The land here is exceedingly dry and devoid of plant life. The box canyon contains a shrine to elemental earth. The shrine is a perfectly square, unworked block of stone. In the center of the block of stone there is a mace +2/+5 vs. air elementals that can (once per month) summon 1d6 small earth elementals who will faithfully serve their summoner for 1 week. The shrine’s guardian is a crumbler called Lok. Lok has a contingent of twenty dwarven defenders under his command. There is a 1 in 6 chance that pilgrims are visiting the shrine when the adventurers arrive. These pilgrims will do their best to defend the shrine if it is disturbed.

1. 1d6 Druids (4 HD)
2. 3d6 Dwarfs
3. 2d6 Dwelvers
4. 1d6 Janni
5. 1d3 Nymphs (Oreads)
6. 1d3 Stone Giants
7. 3d6 Svirfneblin
8. 1d4 Xorn

There is an equal chance that the shrine is under attack from rival elementals. If this is the case, assume that there are 6d6 hit dice worth of air, fire or water elementals, with half of those hit dice possessed by their leader, a djinn, efreet or marid.

  • Lok, Crumbler: HD 10 (60 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 thrown rock (2d6) or fist (2d6); Move 0; Save 17; CL/XP 11/1700; Special: Immunities.
  • Dwarf Defender: HD 5; AC 0 [19]; Atk 1 weapon (1d10); Move 6; Save 12; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Cannot be surprised, cannot be back attacked, adjacent creatures enjoy +1 bonus to AC.

2539 Basswood Grove: A large grove of basswoods surround the banks of a clear spring. The grove is inhabited by a hive of giant honeybees. The hive houses 90 workers, five soldiers, five non-combative drones and one non-combative queen. The bees do not tolerate visitors other than druids, who sometimes come to collect honey.

  • Honeybee Worker: HD 3; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 sting (1d4); Move 12 (Fly 36); Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Poison (additional 1d6 damage unless save is made).
  • Honeybee Soldier: HD 4; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 sting (1d6); Move 15 (Fly 36); Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Poison (additional 1d6 damage unless save is made).

2847 Baboon Rock: A rocky outcropping rises from the grasslands like the bow of a great ship. At its peak it towers forty feet above the surrounding grasslands. The outcropping is inhabited by a vicious tribe of rock baboons led by an alpha male who wields a bone club that once the femur of an evil high priest. It now acts as a +1 club that causes light wounds on an attack roll of ‘20’.

  • Baboon: HD 1 (6 hp); AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite (1d4); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP 1/15; Special: None.
  • Baboon, Alpha Male: HD 2 (8 hp); AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite (1d6); Move 12; Save 16; CL/XP 2/30; Special: None.

2927 Shephard’s Spring: A bubbling spring, surrounded by tall reeds, exists in this hex. The spring was once a shephard who was killed and turned into a spring by a weeping goddess. For those who camp near the spring, healing is accelerated. The reeds can be turned into pipes capable of charming fairy women.

3035 Beldor’s Bedazzling Belfry: Atop a tiny cairn lies a crystalized skull. The skull belonged to Beldor, a man famed in his time as a poet and musician. Beldor foolishly courted the youngest bride of the archimage Baloc (see [5708]) and thus came to his ruination. If held, the skull will fill one’s mind with the most extravagant imagery and inspiring songs. The holder of the skull will feel more confident and amorous, and will enjoy a blessing (as the spell) on all of his endeavors, though he will also find it impossible to concentrate. He will be surprised more often, find it more difficult to locate hidden things, and spell-casting will be all but impossible.

3127 Yem’s Pavilion: A large tent of intricately woven rugs and tapestries sits in a small oasis here. Inside the tent are braziers burning incense, expensive golden objects d’art and a plush couch. Upon the couch rests a priestess, the vessel of Astarte. The priestess, Yem, is a virgin sworn to divine service. The tent is Astarte’s temple and a pilgrimage for her servants. There is a 1 in 6 chance that when the adventurers arrive it is being visited by a lawful cleric. Upon approaching, intruders who do not properly intone the seven hymns of Astarte are confronted by a flock of erinyes. Anyone harming or otherwise molesting Yem or the cult items in the tent will be attacked by the erinyes and will discover what it means for Yem to be the vessel of a goddess. Yem is willing to cast spells for good adventurers at no cost and neutral adventurers at cost plus the condition that they accept a mark of justice that keeps them from breaking the law in any settlement.

As a vessel of Astarte, Yem can be filled with the goddess’ essence, gaining the abilities of a planetar. Yem’s +1 mace is lawful, radiates protection from evil in a 10-foot radius and can apply a mark of justice on a willing person once per day.

  • Yem, Cleric Lvl 6: HP 21; AC 8 [11]; Save 9; Special: Cleric spells (3rd), banish undead; +1 mace, holy symbol.

Mark of Justic (Cleric 5): You draw an indelible mark on the subject and state some behavior on the part of the subject that will activate the mark. When activated, the mark curses the subject. The spell takes 10 minutes to cast and involves writing on the target. The mark of justice cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed.

3232 Dragon Men: There is a dragon man village here consisting of 200 males, 140 females, 300 young and 400 eggs. The village is composed of twenty brass domes surrounding a large broodery. The females and young live in the broodery, while the males live in the domes. The domes are surrounded by a 10-ft high stone wall. There is a natural spring that has been turned into a pond in the center of the village.

The village is led by a haggard old chieftain called Spadda. Besides his normal warriors, he also has ten warlocks that wear chainmail and wield battle axes and short bows. The normal warriors have leather armor, spears, shields, short bows and barbed arrows.

The females of the village care for the young and hunt in the surrounding countryside for game. They are experts at the use of lasso and net, since they need to eat their prey alive. Dragon men do not need to eat or drink as much as humans, and so have little trouble surviving on the meager pickings of the Wyvern Coast.

The village has three smiths who work in bronze and iron. The village’s priest, Garros, worships Apophis, the dragon god of chaos. His mace is made of bronze and resembles a serpent coiled around a rod.

  • Spadda, Barbarian Lvl 5: HP 23; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Two-handed axe, crown of command (3/day).
  • Garos, Cleric Lvl 3: HP 20; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (2nd); +2 mace, shield, sacrificial knife, unholy symbol.

3239 Gnoblin Village: This hex contains a gnoblin (a hybrid of gnolls and goblins) lair. The lair consists of twenty-four shallow pits (burrows) covered by woven grass mats. The pits grant access to burrows which connect to a central chamber of sacrifice. The gnoblins live very separate lives in their burrows. Six large burrows house five males that form very loose bonds of brotherhood with their burrow mates. Each of the eighteen smaller burrows shelter one female and her 1d4 young.

Murder within the family is common among gnoblins, so tensions are always high and the gnoblins are always on the lookout for a third party upon whom they can focus their aggression. Each burrow holds about 30 gp. There is a 1 in 6 chance that a burrow holds a cache of 1d6 gems or 1d3 small pieces of jewelry. Most of the tribe’s treasure comes from raids on merchant caravans.

The sacrificial chamber in the center of the lair is 6 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. A fire pit 15 feet deep has been dug in the center. Sacrificial victims are lowered into the pit and then killed by dropping lit torches and hot ash on their heads. The roasted remains are then shared in an orgy of greed and violence. Sacrifices are presided over by nursing females who wear headdresses of bone and feather and dance and chant to Demogorgon, their demonic god. There is a 1 in 6 chance that adventurers will interrupt one of these ceremonies, and a further 1 in 6 chance that the chanting will summon a vrock to the tribe’s defense. In the case of a sacrifice, there will be no more than three sacrificial victims present, usually merchants, men-at-arms or unlucky hunters.

  • Gnoblin: HD 1d6 hp; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Move 12; Save 18; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Groups of 10+ cause confusion.

3336 Giant Brothers: Three hill giant brothers lair here, grazing their herd of giant goats. The eldest brother is Hama (72 hp). His younger brothers are Golth (38 hp, lame after fighting off a wyvern) and Lot (40 hp). Hama’s bag contains a vial of holy water, pieces of plate armor, a mace, two torches, an hourglass, a two-handed sword, six iron spikes and 11 gp. Golth’s bag contains a bronze breastplate emblazoned with a two-headed phoenix, a staff, heavy crossbow, two sets of burglars’ tools and a silver flute (10 gp). Lot’s bag contains a spear, longbow, pole arm, pack of matches, a theatrical disguise kit, studded leather and a simple breastplate. The brothers’ herd consists of 30 giant goats who respond to their shouts and clicks. The giants are visited every year by a trader from Ophir who exchanges wool for tobacco and other necessities. They live in a cave higher in the mountains with their mother Lilit. The giants keep a treasure of 4,880 gp, two banded agates (75 gp), a rhodochrosite (300 gp) and an amethyst (3,000 gp) in their lair.

  • Hill Giants: HD 8+2; AC 0 [19]; Atk 2 slams (2d6) or 1 weapon (1d8+6); Move 15; Save 3; CL/XP 16/3200; Special: Rock catching, shape earth, spells, track by scent.
  • Lilit, Druid Lvl 8: HD 13 (70 hp); AC 0 [19]; Save 3; CL/XP 16/3200; Spells 4th; Special: Rock catching, shape earth, track by scent.
  • Giant Goat (30): HD 3; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 gore (2d6); Move 18; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: +4 damage on charge.

3344 Winding Halls of the Scarab Lords: A wide swathe of the savanna here is barren, and one might find odd lumps of glass embedded in the ground. A dozen secret doors throughout the area lead to wide, curving passages beneath the ground. These passages run downward, eventually coming to a central, conical chamber 100 yards tall and 300 yards in diameter at the base. This subterranean hall is lit by radium globes embedded in the walls, which feel like stone but are unworked and uncommonly smooth. This chamber is guarded by three large beetlors. A large, bronze trapdoor in the center of the chamber leads to a six level dungeon inhabited by many strange, alien creatures that were brought to this world by visitors from beyond the sublunary sphere. These creatures include rust monsters, coeurl, barics and doppelgangers. The main inhabitants of this realm, however, are a kingdom of beetlors, once servants to an alien people. The beetlors are ruled by a queen called Cleo’optera, but are now bitterly divided into warring clans, each led by a daughter of the queen, and each looking to gain advantage against its rivals. Alien devices and the wealth of the heavens is here to be plundered.

  • Beetlor: HD 8+1; AC 1 [18]; Atk 2 claw (3d4) and 1 bite (1d10); Move 6 (Burrow 30; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Confusion.

3429 Canyon of Crawlers: Traversing this hex from west to east involves walking through a dry canyon with towering limestone walls pocked with holes. Moving from north to south is virtually impossible, for there is no bridge across the canyon, which spans 90 feet. During the day, the canyon is safe enough; no monsters will be encountered here unless they have the power of flight. At night, hundreds of old crawlers (disembodied hands) will swarm from the canyon walls. These horrible creations seek to strip unfortunately travelers of all their possessions, stowing their prizes deep in their burrows within the canyon walls. On a given night, each traveler moving through the valley will be accosted by 1d6 old crawlers. They do not seek to harm, merely to steal, but they will put up a fight if their would-be victims resist. Of course, regardless of the old crawler’s intentions, its touch is highly dangerous to the living. Should one manage to dig into the canyon walls, they would discover 60 gp worth of treasure for every hand that attacked them.

  • Old Crawler: HD 2; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 rotting grip (1d8); Move 6 (Scramble 12); Save 11; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Possible spell casting, good saving throws, continuous damage.

3535 Buried Library: In this hex there is, half-buried in the sands, a stepped roof, maybe four feet in height, supported by columns (though one can only just make out the capitals). One could dig their way to the entrance with several days of work, or they might find a secret trapdoor in the roof. The building is rectangular, approximately thirty feet wide and seventy feet long. A square marble desk rests in the middle of this space. The walls are lined with marble shelves that hold polished slices of agate. Any character that speaks the ancient language of the derro, will be able to translate these slcies and discover that they hold the secret to the location of hundreds of derro cave cities. Most of these cities have long been abandoned, the city-states they were assigned to destroy having fallen millenia ago. The slices also tell about the super science of the derro and describe their more unsavory appetites and hobbies.

Approximately five minutes after the site is entered, the floor in the center of the desks will slowly, almost noiselessly, descend, revealing a shaft 600 feet deep. Soon after, everyone inside the library begins to suffer terrible internal torment (1d6 damage each turn, saving throw for half damage, all of it nonlethal). After three turns, the floor re-ascends with a troop of 20 derro. The derro attempt to capture any intruders not laid low by the tormenting power of their air loom. They are armed with catch poles, nets, ray guns (green beam, 1d6 damage, 10 shots) and thin, barbed blades (1d6 damage). Anyone captured and forced down the elevator may never be heard from again.

  • Derro (20): HD 3; AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 weapon; Move 12; Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Magic resistance 30%.

3746 Gnoll Lair: This gnoll lair has a population of 200 males, 120 females and 80 young. The gnolls live in small, round wattle-and-daub huts. In the center of the village is a mud brick temple dedicated to Demogorgon and a longhouse for the chieftain and his retinue. The lair is surrounded by a 3-foot deep moat and a 5-foot tall wall of thickets and sharpened sticks. A pack of twelve hyenas patrol the lair.

The males spend their time idle. They sometimes rouse themselves to eat, cuff a female or play at combat. The females oversee the human slaves in their tasks of grinding grain, baking bread, weaving baskets, preparing feasts and doing repair work. Three females, marked by their iron jewelry, do the smith work for the village. The eldest of these females is a sorcerer.

The house of Demogorgon is tended by a shaman called Jibbo. Jibbo is assisted by two blind human slaves who wear iron collars around their necks and feet and bear the scars of frequent lashings. It is their wailing that provides music for the house of Demogorgon. Demogorgon’s alter is a slab of rough-cut marble upon which rests a large, curved sword used for cermonial beheadings. Behind the altar there is a crude idol consisting of a wooden post topped by a painted giant hyena skull. Grasses, feathers and iron ornaments hang from the skull. The temple is guarded by two skeletal lions (3 HD skeletons).

The chieftain of the village is Yabba. Yabba is followed by a pack of eight bodyguards wearing leather armor and carrying spears and hide shields. Their longhouse contains 12 animal pelts (50 gp each) and a wooden chest containing 40 gp and 100 sp, mostly in the form of Ophirian shekels and Ibisian scruples.

  • Hyena (12): HD 1; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite (1d3); Move 16; Save 17; CL/XP 1/15; Special: None.
  • Gnoll Bodyguards: HD 3 (14 hp); AC 5 [14]; Atk 1 bite (2d4) or 1 weapon (1d10); Move 9; Save 14; CL/XP 3/60; Special: None.
  • Gnoll Mage-Smith Lvl 2: HP 7; AC 7 [12]; Save 14; Special: Magic-user spells (1st); Hammer, iron jewelry (5 gp).
  • Jibbo, Gnoll Cleric Lvl 3: HP 12; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (2nd), control undead; Mace, leather armor, shield, unholy symbol, potion of poison.
  • Yabba, Gnoll Fighting-Man (Barbarian) Lvl 6: HP 36; AC 5 [14]; Save 11; +1 sickle-sword, shield.

3836 Per-Bael: This ancient fortress has walls of pock-marked, limestone blocks. It is inhabited by a tribe of sahitim who call it Per-Bael, the “House of Bael”. The fortress is square in shape and measures 200 feet long and 80 feet wide. The walls of the fortress are 20 feet tall. Half of the fortress is taken up by a paved courtyard with a deep well (some say it reaches into a demi-plane of sweet water) and a garden. The sahitim grow tiger nut root, mandrake and figs and keep several bee hives made of fired clay.

The people of Per-Bael cultivate the mandrake to turn it into several goods: A powerful sleep draught, philtres of love and homonculi, which they keep in silver cages and train to be familiars. Some Ophirian traders lead caravans to the city in the winter months to trade manufactured goods (especially weapons) for these items.

Per-Bael houses 35 sahitim, their 100 wives and 40 children. The men expect the women to tend to the children, cultivate the garden and fix the meals, while they busy themselves with the arts of war and the hunt. The men keep a pack of six hell hounds for hunting.

The fortress proper consists of a ground floor with a great hall, kitchens, storage, barracks and a shrine (formerly dedicated to Lilith, now re-dedicated to Bael). The second story is used for living quarters and a library. The walls that surround the fortress and courtyard are five-feet thick and have crenelations to protect archers. The sahitim often have meat (sometimes the limbs and torsos of humanoids) skewered on pikes atop the walls, drying it like prosciutto.

The shrine measures 15 ft x 15 ft, with a 20-foot tall vaulted ceiling. The walls are carved with intertwining serpents and fig vines. There is a long, red marble altar here and four brass censors burning an acrid incense that causes non-sahitim to become drowsy (-1 to hit and saves unless a saving throw is passed). A window in the upper portion of one wall connects the shrine to the living chambers of Dramat, the high priest and lord of Per-Bael. His wife can often be found in the chamber, praying to Bael and casting auguries with bits of charred bone.

Dramat is a cleric, fighting-man and magic-user. Dramat has three wives, Gorissa, Sheboth and Haratti each an apprentice to her husband and one of his personal guards. Dramat possesses a crystal skull, the chief treasure of Per-Bael, that empowers his cleric spells, augments his summonings and allows him to commune with the infernal powers once per month. His two sickle-swords, when clanged together, create a blast of fire that inflicts 2d6 damage to all within 10 feet of Dramat once per day. Dramat is always accompanied by Zeb, his imp familiar, and a retinue of six fossil skeletons.

The lands that surround Per-Bael are desolate, but not uninhabited. Wandering the wastes, but never too far away, is another tribe of sahitim who were displaced from Per-Bael a hundred years ago and still scheme to take it back. This tribe of wanderers worships Lilith and is ruled by Ailo, a malcarna who claims to be Lilith’s daughter.

The wanderers, called the Lilitu, number 66 male and female warriors and 20 children. Females rule the Lilitu with an iron fist. They include Kora, Alula, Lamash, Labarta and Scorpia.

The Lilitu attack Per-Bael once every two or three years. Five of their warriors ride achaierai. These mounted warriors operate hand cannons responsible for the condition of Per-Bael’s walls. The hand cannons are cast from bronze and look like grimacing demons. Others have longbows and swords.

The Lilitu wander the hexes that surround Per-Bael, surviving by raiding and hunting. They dwell in tents of thick, reddish cloth and cook their stews in bronze cauldrons and can sometimes be found playing a game involving a “ball” composed of three shrunken heads tied together by their hair.

  • Hell Hound (6): HD 4 (20 hp); AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 bite (1d6); Move 12; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Breathe fire (8 hp).
  • Fossil Skeleton (6): HD 2 (10 hp); AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 strike (1d6); Move 9; Save 16; CL/XP 2/30; Special: None.
  • Gorissa, Sahitim Fighting-Woman Lvl 3: HP 19; AC 6 [13]; Save 14; Special: Two-Weapon Fighting; Sickle-swords (2), scale armor.
  • Sheboth, Sahitim Cleric Lvl 3: HP 23; AC 4 [15]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (1st); +1 mace, scale armor, unholy symbol.
  • Harati, Sahitim Magic-User Lvl 3: HP 17; AC 8 [11]; Save 13; Special: Magic-user spells (2nd); Wavy dagger, grimoire.
  • Dramat, Sahitim Cleric/Fighter/Mage Lvl 5: HP 34; AC 5 [14]; Save 10; Special: Cleric spells (3rd), magic-user spells (3rd); +1 sickle-swords* (2), +1 leather armor, ring of protection +1, grimoire, unholy symbol, crystal skull.
  • Zeb the Imp: HD 2 (3 hp); AC 2 [17]; Atk 1 sting (1d4 + poison); Move 12 (Fly 16); Save 16; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Poison tail, polymorph, regenerate 1, immune to fire.
  • Ailo, Malcarna: HD 5 (30 hp); AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 tail (1d8), 3 weapons (1d8); Move 12; Save 12; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic resistance 25%, only hit by magic or silver weapons.
  • Kora, Alula & Lamash, Sahitim Fighting-Women (Rangers) Lvl 2: HP 12; AC 5 [14]; Save 15; Sickle-sword, longbow.
  • Labarta, Sahitim Cleric Lvl 2: HP 12; AC 6 [13]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (1st); Mace, leather armor, unholy symbol.
  • Scorpia, Sahitim Cleric-Fighter Lvl 4: HP 14; AC 8 [11]; Save 12; Special: Cleric spells (2nd); Sickle-sword, leather armor, unholy symbol, potion of healing.
  • Achaierai: HD 6; AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 claws (1d6), 1 bite (2d6); Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Magic resistance 25%, breath of confusion, immune to fire.

The following monsters are open game content.

Amphisbaena Basilisk
An amphisbaena basilisk is a basilisk with a head and forelimbs on both ends of its body. It cannot be flanked, back attacked or surprised. Amphisbaena basilisks get two bite attacks and can make two gaze attacks each round (see normal basilisk for effect). An amphisbaena basilisk can survive being cut in half. Each half will attack as a normal basilisk with half the creature’s total hit points each. They will reattach to one another in 1 to 2 days.

  • Amphisbaena Basilisk: HD 9+1; AC 3 [16]; Atk 2 bite (1d8); Move 9; Save 6; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: All-around vision, half damage from cold, petrifying gaze, split.


Beetlors are subterranean, insectoid predators. They have shiny, orange carapaces and yellowish underbellies. Their claws are harder than steel, allowing them to burrow through stone. Sentient creatures that look into a beetlor’s multi-faceted eyes must pass a saving throw or be confused (as the spell) for 3d4 rounds. Beetlors have their own language.

  • Beetlor: HD 8+1; AC 1 [18]; Atk 2 claw (3d4) and 1 bite (1d10); Move 6 (Burrow 30; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Confusion.

Caryatid Column
Caryatid columns are lesser stone golems that look like stone pillars in the shape of a human female carrying a sword. When activated, a caryatid column takes on a fleshy appearance. Its sword becomes steel. When its task is complete or the construct is killed, it returns to its normal position and once again becomes stone. Caryatid columns suffer half damage from normal weapons, but suffer full damage from magical weapons (without damage bonuses). Any weapon that hits the column has a 25% chance of snapping (reduced by 5% for each “plus” of a magic weapon).

  • Caryatid Column: HD 5; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1 sword (2d4); Move 9; Save 8; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Weapon snapping.

Froghemoths are alien creatures that resemble massive, rubbery toads with three eyes atop a retractable eye stalk, four tentacles, and a 10-ft long tongue. When hunting, the beast floats with only its eye stalk above the water and its tentacles thrust forward, sometimes very near the shore, to seize potential victims that walk by.

While the froghemoth’s body can withstand 16 dice of damage before dying, its tentacles require 20 points of damage to sever. Severed tentacles regenerate in 1d4+1 weeks. Creature’s struck by the tongue must succeed at a saving throw or be held fast and dragged into its mouth. Any creature that begins the froghemoth’s turn in its mouth will be swallowed whole, suffering 3d6 points of acid damage per round. They can attack the stomache with a small, sharp weapon, but will be unconscious after 2 rounds. The tongue has 20 hit points. If the tongue is severed the monster will flail with its tentacles (for double damage) for 1d4+1 rounds before retreating into the water.

Froghemoths are immune to normal fire, though especially large and hot ones will drive them away. Fire spells will not drive them away unless at least 10 points of damage are dealt. Electricity attacks deal only 1 point of damage per die and slow the creature for 1 round.

  • Froghemoth: HD 16; AC 3 [16], tentacles 1 [18], tongue 5 [14]; Atk 1 tongue (5d10) or 4 tentacles (1d8); Move 3 (Swim 9); Save 3; CL/XP 19/4100; Special: Swallow whole, immune to fire.

Intellect Devourer
These bizarre creatures resemble large ambulatory brains. They have four stout, thickly muscled legs ending in clawed feet. Intellect devourers dwell underground. They feed on the psychic energy of their prey. After killing their prey, an intellect devourer merges with the body and devours the brain. Their awareness extends into the ethereal and astral planes. They detest bright light and flee from it.

Intellect devourers are immune to most spells. Fireballs act only as bright light (see above), but inflict no damage on them. Lightning bolts inflict 1 point of damage per dice. Death spells only have a 25% chance of slaying them. Psychic powers work on them with no penalties.

  • Intellect Devourer: HD 6; AC 3 [16]; Atk 4 claw (1d4); Move 15; Save 11; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Sensitive to light, mind blast, spell immunity, surprise on 1-3 on 1d6, only harmed by magic weapons (1 point of damage per hit).

Planetars are angels (less powerful than solars, more powerful than devas). Planetars can travel through the planes at will. They typically fight using +4 flaming two-handed swords. Planetars have opaline skin, glowing blue eyes and double wings. Planetars cast spells as level 9 clerics. Each planetar radiates protection from evil in a 40-ft radius. They can commune with the gods at need and remove blindness and deafness and cure disease and light wounds by touch. They automatically detect evil, illusion, invisibility, lies, magic and traps. Planetars can communicate telepathically and understand all languages. If killed anywhere but in the Empyrean Heaven, they will rematerialize there in four decades. Once per day a planetar can gate in one of the following types of creatures: 1d3 astral devas, 1d4 monadic devas or 1d6 movanic devas. Once per day they can summon: 1d4 couatl, 1d2 ki-rin or 1d2 androsphinx.

  • Planetar: HD 17 (144 hp); AC -8 [27]; Atk 3 weapons (1d10+4); Move 15 (Fly 48, Swim 24); Save 3; CL/XP 29/7100; Special: Spells, magic resistance 65%, regenerate 4 hp/rd, immune to cold, lightning, magic missiles, petrification, poison, surprise, life drain, mind effects and death magic, half damage from fire.

Sahitim are an ancient race of men that made a deal with chaotic forces, turning into a race of half-fiends. A sahitim appears as a lean, humanoid demon with blank eyes, golden orange skin and curved, black horns. Sahitim dress neatly and elegantly, sacrificing mobility and practicality for grandeur. They prefer light, elegant weapons and light armor. Most can speak common, the alignment tongues of chaos or evil and the language of evil dragons.

Sahitim sects consist of 50 to 100 warriors plus 40% noncombatants. Sects are led by fighting-men and clerics, and might include magic-users. Sects are accompanied by 1d3+1 hell hounds, 1d6+1 lemures or 1d6+1 dretches. Sahitim rulers are usually clerics. Sahitim lairs are iron fortresses built at remote sites.

Sahitim characters enjoy a +1 bonus to intelligence, wisdom and charisma, but suffer a -1 penalty to constitution. They can see in darkness to a range of 60 feet. Their ancient pact with dark forces gives them a +2 bonus to all saving throws. They suffer only half damage from acid, cold and fire attacks. All sahitim can cast protection from good as an innate power.

  • Sahitim: HD 1; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 scimitar (1d8) or 1 longbow (1d8); Move 12; Save 17; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Half damage from acid, cold and fire, protection from good.

The svirfneblin live deep beneath the earth, ever searching for precious stones and metals. They look like hairless gnomes with brownish skin and grey eyes. Svirfneblin are akin to earth elementals, and groups of them have a 10% chance per svirfneblin to summon a medium earth elemental. Svirfneblin warriors wear chainmail and are armed with daggers and picks. Many carry hollow-tipped darts filled with poison or acid. Svirfnebli are so stealthy that they surprise on a roll of 1-2 on 1d6, and they notice odd stonework as well as dwarfs. A svirfneblin’s innate toughness and resistance to magic gives them an improved saving throw value. All svirfneblin can cast the following spells once per day: blindness, blur and change self.

  • Svirfneblin: HD 3; AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); Move 9; Save 12; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Surprise on a 1-2 on d6, summon earth elemental.

Vulchlings are bird-like creatures with vaguely human facial features. They live in desolate places, swooping down on unsuspecting passers-bye from ledges or tall trees. A vulchling lair will contain 1d10-1 eggs. Vulchlings have been known to consort with harpies and vrocks.

  • Vulchling: HD 1; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d4+1) or 2 claw (1d4); Move 6 (Fly 3); Save 18; CL/XP 1/15; Special: None.

Art: The Arab and his Steed, 1872, Jean-Léon Gérôme

1 comment:

  1. Toad Hollow. Cool. Well, it's all cool, but that's just a name I like. ;)

    Keep it up!


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