Monday, September 5, 2011

My Old School Bona Fides

Yeah - anyone can claim to be from the Old School (and thus glory in the fabulous honors and rewards thereof), but can they prove it? I was at the parents' house last night looking through old photos and found a few of me getting my old D-n-D expert set and a couple AD-n-D books.

You'll also notice a Crossbows and Catapults add-on and Robotech model in this last one. Don't know why I'm doing the paparazzi move in the photo though. And though I no longer have the box for the Expert set, I still have the expert books and those AD-n-D books to this day. Actually - I have that Crossbows and Catapults stashed somewhere as well. The Robotech model put up a good fight, but was eventually lost.


  1. Great stuff Matt, not just for the D&D but for C&C too, I loved that game and recently passed it on to the kids down the road. :-)

  2. Nice glasses, nerd.

    No, really, nice glasses, nerd. ONE-OF-US!

  3. Yeah - can you imagine that kid grew up to be a nerd? Go figure!

  4. That first picture is awesome.

    Something about pushing monopoly aside and the way you are standing... it begs to be photoshopped into an Elf or Halfling opening a chest and pulling out the "magic box".

  5. Great share. I was much, much older before my parents got me enough to give me gifts that I wanted without their using the but this is the limit on what is acceptable for a normal gift filter!

  6. Awesome. My family never bought me any gaming stuff. I did get the Greyhawk boxed set from a friend once.

    Love the paparazzi pose.

  7. I had those same glasses. And the same haircut.

    It's like there was a 1980's geek kid kit or something.

  8. Yeah - it was called "your mom chooses your glasses and haircut".

  9. Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I agree that the pic where you push Monopoly aside is CLASSIC! :)


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