Friday, July 20, 2012

Deviant Friday - Hannah Christenson Edition

One of the joys of doing these Deviant Fridays, besides the fact that they require very little effort on my part, is that it reacquaints me with artists on deviantART that have sometimes fallen off my radar. Hannah Christenson - Nafah on deviantART - is one such artist. She has a beautiful, fairy tale - children's book illustration quality to her art. The way the energy of the art seems bound to the structure really makes her art work for me. Heck - she makes illustrations of items come alive for me. Enjoy, and make sure you visit her page, maybe offer some encouraging words and if she's selling a print, consider buying one.



  1. Awesome! I used Winter Hunt for an elf NPC in one of my games.

  2. Yow, these are pretty nice!


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