Friday, June 18, 2010

The Gods of Nabu - Part One

I was going to have NOD #2 ready for download and sale today, but Lulu decided to be a pain the butt. So, I have some time to post part one of The Gods of Nabu - aka the Egyptian pantheon.

The spells below are all Open Game Content.


Also called Bull of his mother, King of the Gods
Deity of creation, hidden knowledge, charity
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a ram
Aligned with Law
Clerics can learn the spell Breath of Life (see below)

Ammon represents the essential and hidden, rather than revealed divinity. His is the creator par excellence, champion of the poor and central to personal piety. Ammon is self-created, motherless and fatherless, the ultimate transcendent deity. Ammon is associated with the breath of life. Ammon is often paired with the mother goddess Mut (his wife) and Monthu (his son), a lesser war god. Ammon can be depicted in human form, enthroned, wearing on his head a plain, deep circlet from which arise two parallel plumes or as a ram-headed fertility god.

BREATH OF LIFE (Cleric Level 2)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/cleric level

By breathing into the mouth of a dead humanoid, the cleric returns it to life for 1 hour/level. The creature awakens with 1d8 hit points and cannot be healed further until truly raised from the dead.

Also called He who is upon his mountain
Deity of death, protection, mummification
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a jackal
Aligned with Law
Clerics can detect undead (as the detect evil spell) at will

Anubis is the jackal-headed god of death and mummification. He is the protector of the dead in the afterlife. Anubis’ black skin represents rotting flesh and fertile, black soil. Anubis is the son of Serapis and Nephthys. His wife is Kebechet, the goddess of purification of body organs placed in canopic jars during mummification. As Hermanubis he is a god of alchemy.

Also called Enemy of Ra, World Encircler
Deity of darkness and chaos
Wields his coils and fangs
Served by demons and shadows
Symbolized by a black serpent
Aligned with Chaos
At 4th level, clerics can take the form of a giant cobra 1/day for 1 minute

Apophis is a serpentine god of darkness and chaos, and thus the opponent of light and Ma’at and Ra. He is depicted as a giant crocodile, serpent or dragon 48 feet in length and with a head made of flint. Apophis can hypnotize with his gaze. Apophis lurks in the Tenth Region of the Night, a demi-plane of shadow. He is rarely worshipped, and actively opposed by most people.

Also called Completeness
Deity of creation and destruction
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a white bull
Aligned with Law
Clerics learn the spell Lord of Creation (see below)

Atum is worshipped as the hermaphroditic creator and destroyer of the world, raising it from and returning it to watery chaos. He is sometimes shown as a serpent, lion, mongoose, bull, lizard or ape. Some stories recount his creation of Shu and Tefnut by spitting or breathing. It is believed that Atum lifts the souls of kings into heaven.

LORD OF CREATION (Cleric Level 4)
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 1 hour

The cleric can attempt to command any one sort of creature, not including humanoids, by making a turn undead roll. All the creatures to be affected must have the same number of hit dice. The cleric can control a number of hit dice worth of creatures equal to double his level.

Also called Lady of Flame, Eye of Ra, Perfumed Protector
Deity of the sun, war, perfume, protection
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a cat or lioness
Aligned with Law
Clerics can increase their dexterity to 18 once per day for 1 rd/level

Bast is an ancient solar and war goddess depicted as a woman with the head of a cat carrying a sacred rattle and a basket. Sometimes she is depicted holding a ceremonial sistrum in one hand and an aegis (resembling a gorget emblazoned with a lioness head) in the other. Bast (as Bastet) is also a goddess of perfumes and aromatic herbs. She is sometimes regarded as the wife of Anubis and the sister of Horus.

Also called Protector
Deity of good luck, fortune and happiness
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a mask
Aligned with Law
Clerics can grant a +1 bonus to a saving throw 1/day

Bes is a cosmic dwarf god that brings good luck and happiness to his worshipers. He is associated with lions. As a household protector, he is responsible for killing snakes, fighting off evil spirits, watching after children and aiding women in labor. As dispeller of evil, he is associated with the good things in life, such as music, dance and sex. He is thus associated with fertility and healing. Masks of Bes are worn by performers and tattoos of the god are worn on the thighs of dancers, musicians and servant girls.

Also called Lame One, Father of Snakes
Deity of the earth
Wields a staff
Served by earth elementals
Symbolized by a ram
Aligned with Neutrality
Druids can turn water elemental creatures as a cleric turns undead
Druid sacred animals are the ram, bull and crocodile

Geb is the god of Earth. He is sometimes depicted as a ram, bull or crocodile. He is sometimes called the father of the snakes. As the earth, he is the imprisoner of the unworthy dead. He is the husband of Nut, the sky goddess and the son of Tefnut (moisture) and Shu (air). Geb and Nut are the parents of Serapis, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. As a chthonic deity, he is associated with vegetation, the underworld and royalty.

Also called Lady of the House of Jubilation
Deity of love, motherhood and joy
Wields a staff
Served by angels and benevolent fey
Symbolized by a cow
Aligned with Law
Clerics can cast charm person 1/day

Hathor personifies the principles of feminine love, motherhood and joy. She is worshiped by commoner and royalty alike. Hathor welcomes the dead into the next life and is also a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility. She is often depicted as a cow goddess with head horns in which is set a sun disk with Uraeus. She is the mother, daughter and wife of Ra or the wife of Thoth, depending on the story.

Horus (Harpocrates)
Also called Distant One, Great Black One, Savior
Deity of the sky, war, vengeance
Wields a sickle-sword (hand axe)
Served by angels
Symbolized by the Eye of Horus
Aligned with Law
Clerics learn the spell Avenging Light (see below)

Horus is the god of sky and war, son (and avenger) of Serapis and Isis. Hathor is sometimes regarded as his wife and mother. He is the protector of the people from Seth, the god of desert, storms and chaos. In his battles with Seth, the god of evil lost a testicle, explaining why the desert is infertile.

AVENGING LIGHT (Cleric Level 3)
Range: 60 ft
Duration: Instant

You project a beam of light from your open palm. A creature struck by this ray of light takes 1d4 points of damage per two caster levels. An undead creature takes double damage.

Also called Endlessness
Deity of eternity
Wields a staff
Served by the ogdoad* and time elementals
Symbolized by a palm stem
Aligned with Chaos
Clerics learn the spell Slippery Time (see below)

Huh is the deification of eternity, and one of the ogdoad. Huh is androgynous, its female form called Hauhet. Kuk’s male form is depicted as a frog or frog-headed man and his female form as a snake or snake-headed woman. He is also depicted as a crouching man holding a palm stem in each hand.

SLIPPERY TIME (Cleric Level 3)
Range: 20 ft
Duration: 1d6 rounds

This spell jumbles time for every creature within 20 ft of the cleric, not including the cleric himself. Each creature affected must roll on the following table each round:

Roll Result
1 Creature moves backward through time; undo last action
2-3 Creature’s action is delayed until next round
4-5 Creature performs two actions this round
6 Creature skips ahead through time; ends up 3d4 feet away facing in a random direction

Also called Lady of Bread and Beer, Queen of Heaven
Deity of motherhood, fertility, magic
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by an ankh
Aligned with Law
Clerics can lay on hands as a paladin of equal level (i.e. 2 hp healing/level per day)

Isis is goddess of motherhood and fertility, the ideal mother, wife, matron of nature and magic. She is the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and downtrodden, but also listens to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers. She is the goddess of simplicity, protector of the dead, lady of bread, beer and green fields and guardian of children. Isis is the wife of Serapis and instrumental in his resurrection. She is the mother of Horus and the sister of Nephthys.

Also called Divine Potter
Deity of water, craftsmanship, creation
Wields a staff
Served by earth and water elementals
Symbolized by a potter’s wheel
Aligned with Neutrality
Clerics learn the spell Feet of Clay (see below)

Khnum is the god of the source of the Nile River, but also the creator of the bodies of human children. He makes these bodies at the potter’s wheel with clay and places them in their mother’s wombs. He is the husband of Satis and father of Anuket. He is depicted as a bull-headed man at a potter’s wheel with recently created children standing on the wheel. He also appears holding a jug from which pours a stream.

FEET OF CLAY (Druid Level 4)
Range: 10 ft
Duration: 1 round/druid level

You cause one creature’s feet to turn to clay, becoming heavy and almost immovable. The creatures movement rate is reduced to 3 and his armor class is penalized by -2.

Also called Pathfinder, Traveler, Defender
Deity of the moon, travelers
Wields a staff
Served by the fey
Symbolized by a sun disc and crescent moon
Aligned with Neutrality
Druids learn the spell Moonlight (see below)
Druid sacred animals are the lion, eagle and cat

Khonsu is the god of the moon and protector of travelers. With Thoth, he is in charge of marking the passage of time. He is variously regarded the son of Ammon and Mut or Hathor and Suchos. Khonsu is depicted as a mummy wearing a sidelock of hair, a symbol of childhood, and a menat necklace, and holding a crook and flail. He might also be depicted with the head of a falcon or as a great serpent responsible for fertilizing the cosmic egg. As a god of light in the night, he is invoked for protection from wild animals and for healing.

MOONLIGHT (Druid Level 3)
Range: 30 ft diameter sphere
Duration: 1 hour

This spell creates an aura of pale, white light 30 feet in diameter. The light keeps normal animals at bay and forces monsters with fewer than 6 hit dice to succeed at a saving throw to enter the light.

Also called Darkness, Bringer-in of light
Deity of primordial darkness
Wields a staff
Served by the ogdoad
Symbolized by a black frog
Aligned with Chaos
Clerics can hide in shadows as a thief of equal level

Kuk is the deification of the primordial darkness that preceded creation, and one of the Ogdoad. Kuk is androgynous, its female form called Keket. Kuk’s male form is depicted as a frog or frog-headed man and his female form as a snake or snake-headed woman.

Also called Order
Deity of truth, balance, order, law, morality, justice
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a scepter
Aligned with Law
Clerics can detect lies at will

Mayet is the concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality and justice. She regulates the stars, seasons and actions of man and god. Mayet also weighs the souls of the dead, determining whether they will reach paradise. She is paired with Thoth and considered the daughter of Ra. Mayet is a patron of judges, her husband Thoth the patron of scribes. Mayet is depicted as a young woman holding a scepter in one hand and an ankh in the other.

Also called She who loves silence
Deity of royal tombs
Wields a staff
Served by cherubim
Symbolized by a cobra
Aligned with Law
Clerics learn the spell Summon Iron Cobra (see below)

Meretseger was the cobra-headed goddess of the royal tombs. As a cobra, she spat at those who would vandalize or rob the tombs. She was also the patron of the workers who built the tombs, bringing them sweet breezes and helping them forget their exhaustion, pain and sickness. She is depicted as a cobra-headed woman, a coiled cobra or as a triple-headed cobra, with the heads of a woman, cobra and vulture.

SUMMON IRON COBRA (Cleric Level 6)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Permanent

You summon one iron cobra for every three cleric levels you possess. You must assign the iron cobras a place to guard and they will exist until slain.

Also called Maker of gods and men
Deity of fertility
Wields a flail
Served by the fey
Symbolized by a white bull
Aligned with Neutrality
Druids learn the magic-user spell Uncontrollable Dance
Druid sacred animals are the bull, ram and antelope

Min is the god of male fertility. Min is depicted as a black-skinned man with an erection and holding a flail. His shrines were decorated with bull’s horns. The Greeks associated him with Pan due to his cult’s orgiastic rites. His rituals involve the use of wild prickly lettuce, which has aphrodesiac and opiate qualities. At his annual festival, the king is expected to sow his seed and people celebrate by climbing tent poles.


Also called That which is ordained
Deity of war, nomads
Wields a spear
Served by the angels
Symbolized by a falcon or sun disc
Aligned with Law
Clerics learn the druid spell Scorching Ray (see below)

Monthu is a war god, patron of nomads and deification of the burning heat of the Sun. Monthu is depicted as a falcon-headed or bull-headed man wearing a sun disc and two plumes. He may be depicted holding scimitars, bows and arrows. He can also appear as a white bull with a black face. Monthu was the son of Ammon and Mut.

SCORCHING RAY (Druid Level 2)
Range: 30 ft
Duration: Instant

You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays have a maximum range of 30 feet.

Also called World-Mother, Lady of Heaven
Deity of nature
Wields a staff
Served by angels
Symbolized by a white vulture
Aligned with Law
Clerics and Druids learn the magic-user spell Suggestion
Druid sacred animals are cobra, lion and white vulture

Mut is the primordial mother goddess. She is depicted as a crowned woman with the wings of a white vulture, holding an ankh and wearing a dress of bright red or blue. She can also be depicted as a cobra, cat, cow, lioness or white vulture. She is worshiped in daily rituals by kings and priestesses, the queen being the high priestess of her temple. Her rituals included music and drinking.

* The odgoad were Claudio Pozas' clever open game content version of everyone's favorite chaotic frog-dudes from another dimension.

1 comment:

  1. What, no bare-breasts? Egyptian lady-goddesses deserve pictures with bare breastes like in Deities & Demigods?

    Nice write-up though? ;)


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